New beginnings

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(Photo of Alexia as a vampire)

Aro introduced me to his brothers Marcus and Caius. They led me through the twists and turns of the great underground halls of the castle to a room full of mirrors with a raised island amid the room.

A bed of sorts had been placed there along with shackles. I pondered to myself what they were for. I looked over to see Aro smiling at me while gesturing for me to get on the table. My worst fears were realized. The shackles were for me.

"The shackles are just a precaution, my dear. We would want you to hurt yourself before the transformation was complete now would we." Marcus sneered at me.

I couldn't for the life of me know why he was angry at me. I was simply trying to do my best.

I carefully laid down on the table as Caius and Marcus shackled my legs and arms. I looked up at the high mirrored ceiling and looked into my own blue eyes. My sister Jane and I once had matching eye colors.

But since the change, hers have been a deep red. I wonder if mine will be red as well. I look around to see that the three brothers have each taken their place around me. Aro on my left, Marcus on the right, and Caius by my feet. They each proceeded to grab a limb. Aro and Marcus grabbed my wrists and Caius my ankle.

"Now my dear this is going to be the worst pain you have ever experienced. But I promise you that after this no one will ever be able to harm you again." Aro stated proudly. And as if a signal had gone off they all three bit the limbs they were holding

The pain was immediate. Like a river flowing down the jagged rocks of a stream, fire. Liquid fire ran through me. I let out a heart-shattering scream.

It burns. It burns. It burns.

"Make it stop." I cry. "Please! Kill me. It burns. It burns!!" I scream.

But no one listens to my screams. They simply all gracefully glided out of the room. Leaving me to writhe in agony. I screamed. I screamed till my throat ran raw and all that was left was the whimpers of my pleas for death. I soon passed out from the pain.

I woke up later to silence. I was still shackled in the room of mirrors. I looked up at the reflections staring back at me and I gasped. An ethereal being stared back.

Her blonde hair flows down her shoulders in beautiful waves. Her curves were of an hourglass and her lips the color of strawberries. And her eyes. They weren't the blood red I thought they'd be. Instead, her eyes were violet. The color of butterfly pea blossoms. Such a soft violet that said, "I could never hurt anything".

"You are even more beautiful than I had guessed you would be my dear '' Aro's voice came from the doorway.

He glided his way into the room and unshackled my hands and feet. I sit up and realize that the beautiful being in the me. Those blonde waist-high locks were mine. The violet eyes were mine. Those strawberry-red lips were mine. I was an ethereal being. I was reborn.

"Aro.!" a musically pleasing voice spoke out. I gasped.

'Is that what I sound like now?' I mused.

I giggled and it sounded like the tinkling of bells.

Aro chuckled to himself. It was always fascinating to see a newborn learning about themselves.

I looked up and tried to speak again. "Aro." but then the worst thirst I had ever felt overtook me. I gasped and grabbed my throat. It felt like a familiar burning but worse.

"Aro! I-Im thirsty" I stated

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