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Alexia POV

So many fucking trees. It's like this entire peninsula is just infested with trees. Thankfully I'm a 413-year-old vampire that doesn't get allergies anymore.

We have just entered the exhaustingly long driveway that I assume leads to the Cullens home. I'm riding in the passenger seat of Carlisle's car. It's a pretty nice car though. A Mercedes'.

Just the kind of car I'd expect a doctor to drive. Catch the sarcasm? I am annoyed because I got caught gawking at the wolf child.

I don't know why but this kid seems familiar like I've been waiting all my life...Ha!

I couldn't even finish the thought. Too cheesy.

Ugh, to think I'd get caught up in this shit.

I look out the window at the trees still covered in lights from some kind of party I guess. Finally, we pull up to the house. It's nice considering I'm currently being held hostage.

It's a mixture of wood and brick. But it's elegant in its way. I like the large windows that cover the house. It's like even though they have to be hidden in the outside world that this is the one place they can be themselves. Real. Not the fake persona they show the world.

Sometimes I wish I could let my wall down like that. But at the moment, I have to keep it up and build more walls, given the situation.

I climb out of the car and make my way up to the doors. Carlisle stands patiently behind me. Probably think I'm gonna try to run. But instead, I surprised myself and opened the door.

The Cullens house interior is just as elaborate as the outside. Lots of hardwood floors. What looks like a half-built glass table to my right in what I assume is the dining room. I look at Carlisle expectantly, and he chuckles.

"Jasper broke the last one at Bella's birthday party a year and a half ago."

I open my mouth to say something when I notice the other Cullens waiting in the living space expectantly. I immediately put my walls up and my face neutral.

Edward looks pissed. Whelp, my day is already made. Bella hides behind him protected and curious. She smiles politely at me. She seems to remember me. Good.

Emmet looks confused but I have a feeling that's normal for him. Rosalie in her ever-glowing beauty stands next to him with a regal elegance. Esme stands next to her, smiling as if this is normal for Carlisle to bring home strays.

"Welcome to my home, Alexia. Edward has told us a lot about you." Esme says.

"Ah. Then you know I'm a bitch and not very used to being around this many people. Cool. Cool." I nod slowly.

I hear a giggle like the tinkling of bells coming from my left. I look to see Alice and who I believe is Jasper, her mate. He looks like he is in pain.

I feel for him. I let my scent fill the room and he visibly calms. Then looks at me with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but Alice beats him to it.

"Your scent is lovely, Alexia. Thank you for helping him calm some. Bella's scent is super appetizing and he still isn't used to our lifestyle yet." She giggles again.

She is a tiny little thing, Alice. At least that was my first thought when I met her in Volterra. Her black pixie cut shapes her face nicely. Making the harsh angles of her face more round and childlike.

Her mate, Jasper compliments her nicely. His shaded blonde hair is short yet ashy. His hair looks as if it has seen the sun often. His long lankiness is a perfect pair to Alice's short elegant frame. Just perfection.

Though I know that it probably isn't due to the perpetual grayness of Forks, Washington.

I realize that I am staring again and I hear chuckling coming from the group in the living room.

I walk farther into the living room and Edward automatically goes back to attack mode. I find myself against the wall with his arm at my throat.

Though I don't need to breathe it is still uncomfortable. I look at his rage-filled face and I smile sweetly at him. I then grasp his arm and pull it in the direction it is not supposed to go in.

I giggle and look down at his once rage-filled face to find it twisted in pain. I crouch down and get in his ear.

"Oh sweetheart, you need to learn to respect your elders."

I then release his arm and look around the room expecting to see more angry faces. But to my surprise, I find Rosalie doubled over in a fit of laughter, with Emmett smirking.

Carlisle laughs and just looks at his adopted son with a face that read "I told you so"

"You have got to show me how to do that move later," Rosalie said smiling.

"Definitely. Do you know where I can grab something to eat?" I ask.

The movement and the noise are silenced once again. I stand slightly awkwardly waiting for an answer.

"Ah, yes well as you know my family don't eat humans. We try not to disturb any peace that we created because the longer we can stay in one place is better." Carlise replies.

"But! I think we have some blood bags left over that we were thinking of keeping for Bella." Esme says rushing off to the kitchen.

She comes back with an actual blood bag. She hands it to me and I do it in one go. Edward gives me a disgusted look. Bella just watches the scene curiously.

" it any good?" Bella asks, tilting her head.

I scoffed at her brazen approach to my situation.

" Well, if you must know, it's disgusting. Coagulated and thick. Fresh blood is more ideal but this will do for now." I say.

I look at Edward and smile slyly

"But..if you're offering.....I wouldn't mind the taste." I giggle.

Edwards's face scrunched with rage and he lets out a loud hiss and steps in front of her. I laugh, like doubled over. Pathetic.

"Awe Eddybear you worried?" I laugh harder.

Carlisle stands off to the side watching this interaction grinning. I smile widely and ask,

"So where am I 'sleeping' " as I rock back and forth on my toes.

This is gonna be fun.

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