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I still remember it.

Aro stood over me. Caius and Marcus stood slightly behind him. He smirks and says

"My dearest Alexia, you are like a daughter to me. I have a task for you."

I pick my head up. I had been staring at the floor awaiting another punishment for interrupting the meeting with the Cullens.

"Yes, father?" I answer with timid anticipation.

"I, we, need you to follow them back to Forks. Report what they do. Find anything wrong and report back." Caius says.

"We need something we can charge them with." he scowls.

"Aro wants to obtain Edward and Alice as assets for the Volturi but they won't leave if their family still lives" Marcus snidely replies.

I stare in confusion. 'So what am I for?' I think to myself.

"You, my dear, I need you to convince them that you are on their side. Infiltrate and demolish them from the inside" Aro smiles savagely.

"So when do I leave?" I replied.

I smile ear to ear so ready to destroy Edward's sanity and life.

"You won't leave yet. We have heard word that Victoria has gathered an army of newborns to kill them so we will wait to see what happens." Marcus says.

"Ok. I will wait for further orders." I utter.

Aro smiles and dismisses me with a wave of his hand. I walk out of the throne room and down to the dungeons for a snack.

The memory fades out as I stay hiding in the woods a good 4 miles from the clearing where the Cullens and Victoria's army are standing off. The battle is about to begin.

Victoria isn't there though. Neither is Edward. He and his human must be on an off-site location. Away from the battle raging in the clearing.

Her scent floats down the mountain and I stand waiting for orders.

The aftermath of the battle was brutal. They have left one newborn alive. A shy small girl named Brie.

They don't torture her for information. But quickly the Volturi descend from the woods.

A quick whistle runs through the trees. My signal.

I run the perimeter and I hit an unfamiliar scent. It's an odd occurrence but not uncommon.

I try to brush it to the back of my mind.

Till I see a group of men in the distance they carry one of their own who seems injured.

His screams are loud. I can hear them from where I stand two miles away. I get closer and my eyes widen in surprise as I realize the unfamiliar scent is coming from them.

I cock my head to the side and they all stiffen as my scent reaches them. The lust in their stance is evident.

I smirk.

The screams have died out and the boy. It was a boy they were carrying. He was about 17. He was looking right at me. Looking at me as if I was the meaning of all life.

Ha. I have that effect on everyone but this time it felt different. He looks still in pain but like it has lessened some since seeing me.

I haven't even realized that I'm only a couple of feet away from them now

I moved closer without realizing it. I lift my hand to brush hair out of his face when I hear a collective growl from his friends. I stop. I look at the oddly big men and leave.

I put so much distance between us. I was sure I almost left the state. But the weird feeling doesn't leave.

Who was he? What were these feelings? I shake my head and decide to follow them. I have to at least see that he gets the care he needs.

My mission has been completely forgotten. I follow them to this beachside reservation. To a house. I stare out the window of his room.

He looks somewhat better. His entire right side is wrapped in white gauze. His room door opens and a vampire comes and checks his dress, I assume this is the famous Carlise Cullen.

He whips his head to the window and makes eye contact with me. I freeze. I'm too scared to run. So instead I watch as he comes to the window and asks me to follow him to his house.

I'm in trouble and I may have just blown my cover before the real mission even starts. Damn it.

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