New Friends

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To say that Aro is ever pleased with me is an odd sentence to say. Pleased wouldn't be the word that I would choose for this situation.

Walking into the throne room after my little escapade and sitting at the foot of his throne, I relive the experience again through Aro's power of Tacticle Telepathy.

Aro's gasps and oohs and aahs as commentary made the second experience that much better. Marcus looks at me with disdain because when doesn't he?

Caius was more than impressed with the way I tricked the Cullen boy into a false sense of security by letting him capture me and then tracking him back down.

This is my true mission. The real reason why Aro is so lenient with me. Why I am sent out to retrieve information?

I am a master manipulator and my power allows me to manipulate my prisoner and lull them into compliance. My methods of information retrieval may be crude but they are what benefit the Volturi in the end.

My demon and Aro have given me the power to do whatever I want. My power is the reason why no one can ever harm me again.

"Alexia dear, have you eaten yet?" Marcus asks. He tried to sound endearing but he comes off as very annoyed.

"Well, yes and no. I did eat the men trying to sell me. but that was worked off in the physical activity that came afterward" I chuckle softly.

Marcus gives me a look of disgust while Aro giggles at the quip.

I flip my blonde tresses and turn to leave the room.

The Cullen boy is going to try and expose himself to the revelers at tomorrow's St.Marcus day festival.

He hopes that we will kill him before he makes it out into the light. I have been given the task of execution along with my sister Jane.

He's going to come out of the central most clock tower where the sun hits directly on the square. Jane is to hide in the shadows while I come at him from the front.

What a wonderfully exciting day tomorrow will be.

The next day

I don my red robe. I have been tasked to blend in with the revelers and wait till noon in the square.

Exciting really. The anticipation of the kill. I have only witnessed an execution a few times since my turning, vampires break like marble and burn sickening sweet smoke.

You do have to burn the body or the parts will attempt to put themselves back together. It is so weird to watch. Fascinating.

I weave through the humans as they celebrate the great St. Marcus. Everyone dressed in blood-red cloaks floods the streets to celebrate and watch the parade. The sun slowly crept across the sky.

I decide the best spot to wait is by the fountain that faces the clock tower. The entrance leads right into the square that will be filled to the brim with humans, waiting for the twelfth strike. That's when the streamers will fall.

"The sun will be high in the sky. That is when we believe that the Cullen boy will try and expose himself." That's what Caius told me before we left.

Hours pass as the hands on the clock get closer to twelve. It's so warm. The sun is bright and is stinging down in anticipation of the events that will follow.

10 seconds. 9, 8. I mentally count down as I crouch to get ready to run.

5, 4, 3... when I hear sounds of disgruntled humans. I whip around looking for the commotion when I see her.

Her flowing brown tresses fly behind her as she pushes her way through the masses. Her face is full of fear and anxiety.

She struggles to push through the masses.  Some of them glare at her shoving her. Others are simply concerned and confused.

"Edward, don't!" I hear her scream.

I whip back to see if I've missed my cue. The clear ringing of the tower as it hits 12 on the dot.

Shirtless. He's shirtless.

Edward walks calmly as if accepting death. A little girl goes to pull on her mother's robe to point him out as his chest shines like crystals in the sun.

I have suddenly put on my ass. In the fountain. I'm sitting in the fountain.

Pissed was an understatement.

I growl and watch as the little bitch runs to Cullen and pushes him back into the tower.

"Sister, are you alright? " I hear my brother Alec say.

He looked concerned while also violently trying not to laugh at me. His concern barely hides his smile.

I take his hand, glaring in the direction that that bitch went. We make our way to the other end of the tower to block them from escaping.

Jane is already there, giggling at the sight of me. I glare hard.

"Oh. Alexia. What happened?" She giggles again

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Jane." I say in between my clenched teeth.

"The stupid bitch knocked me over into the fountain. Y'all go bring them to the throne room. I need to change." I growl

Flipping my wet hair back behind my shoulders I turn and head inside the castle to change.

Fucking bitch. Just who the hell does she think she is? Knocking me into the fountain. I missed my cue and didn't get to kill his ass.

God Aro is going to beat my ass.

I turn the corner and head to a spot that's near a  deserted part of the castle's courtyard. I head back through the back way. Scaling the castle wall to climb through the open window.

I stomp my way to my room. I ignore Rachel's smirk and laughter as I round the corner to my chambers.

I pull on a revealing dress that I cover with my standard Volturi robes. I then take a deep breath.

No use killing the bitch before we find out why she stopped Cullen from getting killed.

I walk, more calmly now, to the throne room. Not caring one bit that I was late. Again.

All eyes were on me when I walked into a ridiculous scene. The brown-haired girl screams to hurt her instead of the Cullen boy.

The commotion stopped as I entered and walked to stand by my sister. I smirked at Edward. Then I noticed that smaller girl next to him with black pixie hair.

This must be the famous Alice that Aro goes on about in his rants about the Cullens. She is beautiful. Her pixie cut frames her face well. Her outfit is nice.

Interesting. Wonder what I interrupted. I look at Jane and she is trying hard not to smile while Edward and the brown hair child collect themselves.

"Now that Alexia is here we can continue. Jane, thank you dearly for that wonderful demonstration." Marcus exclaimed.

I look from Jane to Marcus, then to Aro for instruction. Aro looks at me and simply nods. I turned my eyes to the bitch who knocked me into the fountain.

This is going to be fun.

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