The Ultimate Plan

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Edward Cullen

Annoyed is an understatement. I have been meticulously trying to get myself killed by the Volturi so that I can be with Bella again.

Just a mention of her name makes my undead heart turn to ash in my chest. The unbearable pain of no longer smelling her scent, hearing her laughter, just staring into her eyes. It hurts. I miss her.

I have tried three times now to formulate a plan that would have the "royal" guard take me out. End my frustrating existence.

Originally I just went straight to them and asked to die. But that bitch who was leaning on Aro's chair just had to call me out on my lie. How did she even know that I had tasted Bella's blood before? How did she even know that I was lying in the first place?

I remember how she interrupted the meeting.


From my place on the floor, I turned around in time to see her push open the doors and walk around the room as if she owned the place. Her blonde hair flew behind her. Marcus made a face at her for being late but she smirked at him and walked to stand behind Aro. Not even standing really. She leaned on the arm of his throne and tilted her head down to whisper in his ear. He smiles and then continues our meeting.

"Now. Edward Cullen, what has brought you to Italy?" Aro says calmly. He stands and walks toward me and reaches out his hand.

I gave him my hand and from his mind, he watched as I found out Bella had killed herself by jumping off a cliff. He felt my pain as I realized I never should have left.

He watched as I made a plan to come here and die. He also saw my appreciation for the girl who walked in late but I was confused as to why I was drawn to her in my grief.

Aro gave a small chuckle no one else heard.

"I can't live without her. She is...was my tether to this world." My voice broke. "Even though I left without a word, I took everything that would remind her of me. Left her utterly alone. Who does that?" I bow my head in shame. The shame covers me like a black cloud and swallows my heart whole.

Aro looks up at me making hard eye contact. He turns to his brothers. "We will discuss this matter between the three of us and call you back after our lunch. Though you are welcome to join us..." he pauses

"You are too kind Aro but I must decline. You know of Carlisle's rule and it has been centuries since I have had human blood in my system." I utter quickly.

I know that I have tasted Bella's but I don't feel as if that counts. Carlisle is very hard on us when it comes to humans. I had to decline his offer because in my grief I don't know if I could stop. It's a distraction that isn't warranted.

"He lies" a harsh whisper flits through my mind. I flash my eyes at the girl again. She seems to be having a conversation in her mind with an entity. The entity is a part of her though. Interesting. It was like her power had been personified.

"You deceiver, how dare you to lie to my master." They screamed.

Confusion clouded Aro's mind. He snatched my hand back, searching intently in my memory. He gasps lightly and pulls away.

"Tsk tsk tsk." He sadly scolds "My dearest son of a friend, you have already made my decision for me then. I cannot kill you for it would take away a precious gift from this realm and the next. So as my protégé has brought this to light. I must decline your offer." he says smirking.

My face turns from one of contempt to disdain. I am pissed. I then flash my eyes at the girl on Aro's throne, in a look of rage. You bitch.

"Edward, my son. Please think about this. Is a human worth dying for? Your power is too precious and powerful. Instead of killing you, join us. We will give you a purpose just as we have others." Caius states calmly.

"No. No offense my friend" I curtly said. "But I would rather have her back knowing I will die for my actions than join your ranks, Aro," I replied.

"Oh my dear me. Did I mess up your little plan?" They laugh.

I snapped my eyes in her direction. My rage was written all over my normally neutral face.

"I have no idea who you think you are, but you will regret this." All of them will.

End of flashback

I shiver and look around. I whip my head behind me to see a figure flit back around the previous corner. She has been following me since I left the palace. There has got to be a reason why Aro asked her to follow me.

I walk around the next corner and wait patiently. I'm gonna ask her why. Why did she call me out? Why her power is different? Why does Aro guard her like she is more important than life? There had to be a reason.

She comes around the corner. Bumps into me with a look of surprise. In her mind, she thought she had me. Laughable. I grab her throat and slam her into the corner wall.

Irrational? Yes. But irrationality has been my current mood since she died.

Destructive but helpful distraction. That was all I needed.

"Why are you following me? Alexia." I shout in her face. My voice echoes across the cobblestones.

She smirks. Her scent gets stronger. More enticing. My mind clouds over. She pulls my hand off her throat as she says,

"Awe sweetness, who said I was following you?"

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