Univited Guest

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Go in. Just go in. It's not like they are going to rip your head off for being late to the meeting with the uninvited guest that is considered very important.

They canceled every other appointment and moved their lunch back a couple of hours which is unheard of.

God they are going to kill me. I'm gonna die. Okay now or never.

I slowly push open the big oak doors to the entrance of the throne room. The light from the late afternoon sun glistens through the big arched windows. It reflects onto the white marble floors slightly blinding me.

All eyes snap to my presence and all I want to do is shrink into nothing. Oh God, I'm gonna fucking die after this.

Aro stares at me with unfeeling eyes. Marcus smirks, knowing I'm getting scolded after this. Ass. Caius looks somewhat sympathetic so that kind of helps.

"Alexia, you're late. Get to your post I'll deal with you later but at the moment we have an uninvited guest" Marcus says haughtily.

That's when I finally notice a man, perched on his knees in the middle of the room looking rather distraught. Just miserable.

His dark brownish-blonde locks are strewn across his scrunched face. His marble skin shines in the sun. His eyes, oh his eyes. They are molten gold and filled with grief. If vampires could cry his face would be wet with tears.

I quietly make my way behind Aro and they proceed on with the meeting.

"Now. Edward Cullen, what has brought you to Italy?" Aro says calmly. He stands and walks up to the man on the floor and reaches out his hand to him.

"Let me see." He motions with his open palm. As the man now known as Edward gives Aro his hand.

I could feel Edward's sorrow from here like a black cloud shrouding his Aura. It made me sick and she was wanting to hold him and help him forget. I mean it's not like he'll remember it anyway. I smile inwardly at the thought. Maybe Aro will let me play with him a bit before he dies.

"I can't live without her. She is...was my tether to this world." His voice broke. "Even though I left her without a word, I took everything that would remind her of me. Left her utterly alone. Who does that?" Edward whispers to himself.

That is just cruel, I think to myself. A horrible thing to do to a person. I wonder to myself what Aro's decision will be.

Aro looks up into his eyes and then turns to his brothers. "We will discuss this matter between the three of us and call you back after our lunch. Though you are welcome to join us..." he pauses

"You are too kind Aro but I must decline. You know of Carlisle's rule and it has been centuries since I have had human blood in my system." He utters quickly.

"He lies." She whispers to me.

"You deceiver, how dare you to lie to my master." We scream.

Aro looks over to me confused and whips his head back around to Edward. He knows with just a look that I'm right and now he knows that he lied to his face. He has had human blood recently.

"Tsk tsk tsk." He sadly scolds "My dearest son of a friend, you have already made my decision for me then. I cannot kill you for it would take away a precious gift from this realm and the next. So as my protégé has brought this to light. I must decline your offer." he says smirking.

Edward's face turns from one of sorrow to disdain. He looks pissed. He then flashes his eyes at me in a look of rage.

"Edward, my son. Please think about this. Is a human worth dying for? Your power is too precious and powerful. Instead of killing you, join us. We will give you a purpose just as we have others." Caius states calmly.

"No. No offense my friend, but I would rather have her back knowing I will die for my actions than join your ranks, Aro." Edward replies.

"Oh my dear me. Did I mess up your little plan?" We laugh.

Edward snaps his eyes in my direction. Rage was written all over his face.

"I don't know who or what you are." He mutters "But you will all regret this." Then he turns and leaves. Slamming the oak doors closed behind him so fiercely that it shook the walls beside it.

We all stand in silence staring after him as Gianna peeked into the room. Her small frame quaked in fear.

"Oh, dear. My brothers, I do believe we have set something in motion." Caius spoke calmly. I look at him in surprise as this was the second time during the meeting that he has spoken aloud.

"Yes brother, I do believe you are correct," Marcus says.

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