Part 11

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"Good morning sir," They're at the General's office. Jungkook took a bow, and Tae was all nervous.

"What brings you here? Why are you with my son?" The general asked calmly, but that didn't help calm Tae either.

"I do not want to sound rude sir, but your son has been following me since yesterday and he's skipping trainings." Tae cursed under his breath. He was looking down at his feet because he doesn't want to see the reaction of his father.

"Is that true, son?" Tae went silent for awhile. He doesn't know if he'll tell the truth or not.

"Well...yes." He bit his lip, still not looking straight. But he heard the sigh of his father.

"Why are you skipping training? You know that it's a sin to refuse responsibilities right?"

Tae just listened on the scolding.

"Why are you following him?"

Of all the questions, thats the hardest to answer. I mean, what would he say?

'Yo dad am following this hot ass to save history.'

Like that?

Of fucking course not. Who the heck would believe that? They'll probably just sent him to the hospital.

Tae decided not to answer and his dad sighed.

"I'm not gonna let this happen again." Tae slowly nodded, showing that he's listening to him.

Everyone went silent. No one dared to speak. Jungkook was just standing still like a statue in the side — God, he's so disciplined.

It only took seconds and the silence was cut. "Captain, thank you for reporting this."

"No problem sir—"

"I would like you to supervise my son."

Tae's head jolted up. Jungkook's eyes we're bawled.

"What?" Both asked in unison. "I-I'm sorry sir, but what?" Jungkook asked.

The general leaned back onto his chair.

"I don't know why my son is following you and why he is skipping trainings. And since I know I can trust you, I want you to guide and guard my son. Make sure he attend trainings and if need — discipline him."

'If needed — discipline him.'

Those words kept echoing on Tae's mind. His heart was ringing through his ear. He has a lot of thoughts rummaging through his head.

Oh my god.

"S-Sir, I don't think I can do that. I'm already a captain, I have more responsibilities—"

"You don't have to worry about that. I can work on it. My only favor for you is to look after my son. If only I can then you wouldn't have to do this."


"I don't accept a no. You can start tomorrow. And Taehyung, we'll have a talk at home."

Those we're the words before they left the office, dumbfounded.

Tae immediately smacked Jungkook's arm but he was the one who's hurt.

"Aw, do you have a rock in your arm?" He said while massaging his palm.

"How dare you smack me?" Tae glared at him and stuck his tongue out.

"You see what you got? Another responsibility. You shouldn't have reported me."

Jungkook glared at him. He wanted to throw fists at him but he knew he'll be in trouble when he did that to the General's son.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to—"

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now