Part 24

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"Captain is there, captain is there!" The soldiers immediately fixed their poise.

Jungkook is a strict one, they find him very intimidating but a good model to them. They knew how mad he can get so they try not to bring that side of him.

"Goodmorning, Captain!"

Jungkook nodded, acknowledging them. They were used to him doing that, he never greets them.

But today is a different one. "Good morning, are you all doing well in your trainings?"

The soldiers were frozen. They're speechless. Did they hear it right? He greeted them back?

"S-Sir, yes sir!" They saluted and Jungkook nodded. He left with a big smile on his face.

"H-hey, i-is that really Captain?"

"I don't know either, did he just greet us and smiled?"

"I think he's possessed."

The soldiers whispered, it was a new encounter to them.

Jungkook went to the other side of the field to see SOMEONE.

Its been a month and a week, just a few more days and the training is over.

He saw Tae having a sparring practice with some of his teammates. He has improved in the past few weeks.

Its finally their water break. Jungkook had just finished his inspection in the other camp and now he has nothing to do but supervise the trainees.

Tae still hasn't noticed his presence. He's busy wiping his sweat and drinking water.

"You're good at sparring."

Tae flinched when Jungkook went towards him. He immediately fixed himself because he knew he looked like shit.

"Me? No." Tae said and fixed his hair. "Since when did you learn to fix your hair?"

Tae raised a brow. "What? Is it bad that I wanted to look good?"

"If its for me then you don't have to. You're already gorgeous." Jungkook commented & Tae immediately looked away.

He's flustered again.

"Times up! Gather back around." The trainer exclaimed and the soldiers went back.

Jungkook came to the trainer and whispered something.

The trainer announced something after that. "Okay everyone, let's have another set of sparring. But this time, Captain Jeon is your match."

The soldiers made a fuss. They were quite nervous since they knew how Captain was good at this.

"Who wants to go first?"

"I'll go!" Bogum raised his hand and the other soldiers were now admiring him for his courage.

Jungkook did not show any emotions. He was gonna choose Tae but he had no choice now.

"This is just a friendly match to test your skills! No hard feelings!" the trainer said.

The others were on the side, while Jungkook and Bogum were in the center.

Tae felt a bit nervous and doesn't know if he should be. Jungkook is obviously jealous over Bogum, and that made Tae worried.

"I just hope they won't do anything serious."

The match started. It was all twist and turns. It was also getting a bit tensed.

Bogum got an advantage, with a quick grab in the arm — he immediately took Jungkook down.

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now