Part 17

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Tae quietly went towards him, Jungkook was facing his back and he seemed to focused to notice a presence behind him.

Tae peeked on what he was doing, and he saw that he's drawing something.

'Why is he drawing guns?' He thought, but still amazed by the talent.

Its that purple notebook again. The same notebook that Tae was curious about. It seemed too special for Jungkook, and he wanted to find out why.

"Woah, spare me some talent." Jungkook almost jumped on his place when he heard a voice behind him. He was so startled and he almost threw the notebook away. He turned around and closed his eyes in annoyance when he saw who it is.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked, hiding the notebook behind his back. Tae pouted and pointed the notebook by his lips.

"Why are you drawing guns?" He asked.

"Because I want to." Jungkook dared to leave, but Tae blocked his way. "I believe there's another reason."

Jungkook tried to go on the other side but Tae blocked it too. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Cross your heart?"

"Hope to die."

Tae was about to speak again when he realized what just Jungkook said. Hope to die? He will, but Tae was wishing that this time — history will spare him.

Jungkook escaped him, but Tae still followed him behind. "What if you really die?"

Tae asked, he wanted to know what Jungkook would feel. "I'm a soldier, I'm born to die." Tae couldn't help himself but to feel sadder.

He could've not asked him that, and now — his heart hurts.

"Where are you going?" Tae asked, trying to make the atmosphere lighter.

"Why would I tell you?"

They we're walking while talking. "Because I'm cute." Tae giggled. Jungkook looked back.

"How does that connect?" He asked. "You should tell me because I'm cute." He flashed his boxy smile and Jungkook just shook his head.

"Look, I need to do my tasks. And I can't do that when you're following me like this. Please mind your business."

Tae pouted and glared at him. "You're mean, really mean." He rolled his eyes and turn around to leave.

He hasn't gone that far yet but someone came to him.

"Taehyung!" Bogum called, running towards him with his gummy smile. Tae's face lit up. "Hey!" He greeted back.

"Good thing I saw you. I'm currently doing horse back riding. Wanna join?" Tae felt a bit awkward. "I-I don't want to ride a—"

"Nothing will go wrong. I promise."

Bogum held Tae's wrist, and Jungkook's eyes caught it. He watched them go to the field until they're far away now.

Jungkook sighed and felt different. He can't explain the feeling and he doesn't want to know.

He shrugged it off and went back to his business.

On the other hand, Tae felt uncomfortable about riding the horse. But Bogum, he's really guiding him.

Tae let out a shaky breathe and Bogum noticed it.

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