Part 25

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"Excuse me, what?" Tae couldn't believe it. "General came here awhile ago and called Captain into his office. Then Captain came out with bruises on his face, looks like General did a beating."

Tae didn't know what to feel. He's already in jail? Without being inspected?

They were surprised when Tae suddenly ran away.

His feet took him to a familiar way, and his heart feels so furious. He needs answers, he always does.

He came home even though its prohibited for them to go out the camp on the days of trainings.

He doesn't care anymore.

His family was so surprised when they saw Tae standing right in front of the door, face looking so serious.

"Son, you're not allowed to—" He couldn't hold back his anger anymore and shouted.

"Is it fun abusing your power?" He scoffed, and his father looks surprised.

"What?" With the noise, Jennie slowly came downstairs to see what was happening.

"You put him in jail without any inspection?" He cried, his mom appeared and she looks confused. "Honey, what's happening?"

His father chuckled.

"The blood with cloth that has his name on it was enough as an evidence."

Tae realized something. He was talking about the uniform with blood. And Tae knew it was caused by the baby.

"How the fuck are you sure it's Lieutenant's blood."

"Taehyung, watch your language."

His mother said but Tae did not pay attention to it. He knew his father did not deserve the respect he's giving.

"Just go back the camp and don't meddle in the case."

"You expect me to stay quiet? I'm so fucking tired of that! And you know what? You deserve the jail more—"

A hard slap met Taehyung's face and it made everyone shocked. He fell on the ground and his cheeks were stinging.

Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"Jaewon, stop!" His mother meddled in and held Taehyung.

"You can hit and hurt me all you want but not my children!"

His father scoffed. "You wanna go to jail so bad huh? Then let's get you to jail with him."

He grabbed Tae's neck like he's suffocating him. "I am your father, and you will obey me if you want the best for you."

But he wasn't threatened. He knew he's on the right side.

He threw him off the floor and he left.

Tae was shaking and coughing because of the lack of oxygen awhile ago. His mother was almost in tears.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm really—" His mother immediately pulled him for a hug.

"Shh, you have nothing to be sorry for."

Yoongi and Jennie came to them. And Jennie felt so shocked. "Why didn't you tell us that dad was hitting you?"

Their mom did not speak, she didn't want them to know but now they do. He's been beating her up ever since, but she can't complain or their lives will be in danger.

Let's move out! We can't live with him!" Jennie insisted, he can't believe he idolized his father for being such a good husband, parent & general.

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now