Part 16

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Tae felt like a real spy on his case. He was following Jungkook, but he kept on being careful since he can't be caught.

Jungkook did not go far away, but Tae was really surprised an confused of what just happened.

"Why is he...unlocking my dad's office?" He asked himself.

His eyebrows furrowed. Jungkook was already inside the room, but he closed the door again so Tae couldn't see what he's doing.

Tae bit his lip, "What is he doing there?" He was crouching behind the walls. There was a window but he couldn't see well.

Even if he go and peek in, his shadow would be seen. So thats not so safe to be honest.

Jungkook took some time inside, probably 5 minutes until he finally came out.

"Its that purple notebook again." Jungkook was holding the notebook in his left arm, that was the nb that Tae saw earlier.

Jungkook locked the office and went back to his own one. While Tae, was left thinking in the corner.

"Why did he go there? What did he do?" He kept on squeezing his head with the possible answers but it only gave him aches.

Tae looked up to the building, just a few distance far from him. He saw a guy, but he couldn't see his face since the edge was facing his back.



- if ur uncomfortable abt this topic pls skip this chapter. ]

Tae's hand flung towards his mouth — covering it. "Oh my...!" The guy fell down the high building, his back falling first.

Tae doesn't know what to think, did he just witness a suicide?

Even though its their training break, there are still many soldiers who chose to stay in the camp.

The place around the victim was getting crowded. Lots of people are joining in so he decided to go and see.

"What's going on?" He saw Jungkook coming out from his office, diving in the crowd.

The soldiers quickly made way for him and saluted. He saw the dead body, it was holding a handkerchief.

Jungkook looked up and saw a guy above, its hard to see but the guy looks shocked.

The police and some detectives arrived. Captain ordered the soldiers to go back to their rooms, no going out until he said.

Tae was about to go back in his room when Jungkook stopped him, "Stay beside me," Tae felt confused, but he did it anyways.

The detective and the policemen inspected the crime. They also caught the suspect from above the building and he's spacing out. Probably still shocked.

Tae lowkey looked at Jungkook who's looking so serious. He was staring at the victim's body and also the suspect.

After some minutes, the detective came to them. "From the infos that we gathered, this case is a murder. The suspect pushed the victim down and the handkerchief belongs to the suspect since it has his name. The victim probably pulled it when he's being pushed."

"Case closed, thank you for reporting Captain." The detective saluted at him. He was about to leave when Jungkook spoke.

"No, case not yet closed. I'm sorry to meddle in the case but I don't think this is a murder."

The detective looked back with questioning eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I can prove it all with the handkerchief." The detective seemed intrigued.

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now