Part 19

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No people were found on the streets since it's already night time

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No people were found on the streets since it's already night time. Only the street torches, and crickets we're accompanying them.

Jungkook has so many much in my mind. He's carrying the sleeping Taehyung in his arms and he's glad that he's asleep.

He's so so worried.

His foot tripped on the side and he almost fell, but his knee supported him and he's kneeling down.

But it wasn't so fortunate since the knee that was pressed on the ground had a gunshot.

"Ah..." he groaned, he was shaking. He had so many wounds — his face, arms, & knees.

He sighed and gathered all of his left energy to stand up.

His wounds we're aching, he had two gunshots — on the knee and a graze of the bullet in his arm.

But he can't give up, he has to make sure Taehyung is safe first.

He endured the pain until he finally reached the camp. The soldiers guarding the camp gate immediately distinguished his face and quickly opened the gate for him.

Luckily, Bogum was one of the soldiers that were guarding the gate. He immediately called him.

"Sir! You're injured, you need to be—"

"Get the horse ready, faster." Bogum quickly ran to the horse's parking area and grabbed a random horse.

"Get him up." Jungkook ordered and Bogum helped him put Tae onto the horse carefully. Bogum was riding the horse too and Tae was leaning on him for support.

"Bring him home. Please make sure he returns home safe." His voice were weak, and he's panting for breath.

The other soldiers called the military doctor. He came and assisted Jungkook. Bogum saluted and was about to leave when Jungkook spoke.

"If ever his family asks, tell them you saved him. Tell them you found him tied on a sledge in a forest near a cliff."

Bogum's mouth flung open. He doesn't know why he's being ordered like that. "B-But Sir, I did not—"

"Please, I'm counting on you Mr. Park."

Bogum hesitated at first, but he eventually saluted, "Sir, yes sir!" He said and left.

Jungkook was brought onto the clinic, so many groans we're heard because of the pain of his wounds.

It was too much and unbearable.

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