Part 23

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Walking along the crowd, these two had finally got tired on riding every rides and trying every games.

Jungkook looked at Tae from behind since he was in front, hastening his steps.

He can't help but to smile at how quiet he is right now.

"Why are you so quiet?"

Jungkook asked. After what happened in the ferris wheel, their faces were both red and their hearts were beating so loud.

But Tae is redder and looks shy after that. And Jungkook thought its cute.

"H-huh? I'm not." Tae can't even look at him in the eye.

"You are. You we're so loud awhile ago and now you're suddenly quiet." He said, hands behind his back while walking.

"Are you still thinking about the k—" Tae immediately smacked him. "Shut it!" And he saw how red his face is.

Jungkook laughed. He already knew the answer.

Not much far from them, we're two little kids — probably on their sevens — and they can hear their conversation.

"But Minnie, I'm still hungry." cried the little guy while sadly eyeing on the small piece of dumpling.

"Me too Tae, but we need to share with our families!"

The little kid sighed and pouted, "If I we're richer, I would buy many dumplings!" He exclaimed.

Jungkook was confused on why Tae stopped walking, and he was looking at the two kids from afar.

He quickly took a glance at his face and his eyes we're glistening.

"U okay?"

Tae got caught off guard and immediately wiped his tears. "Y-Yes. I just remembered s-someone."

Tae glanced at the eatery beside them and their specialty are dumplings. He quickly ordered.

"Can I have two boxes of dumplings? Regular flavor."

He waited for his order to be served and once its done, he immediately went to the two kids who's carefully wrapping up the piece of dumpling.

"Hi!" Tae greeted and the kids were surprised. The other one hid behind his friend.

"Oh, hey I-I didn't mean to scare you."

Tae crouched at their level, he placed the two boxes of dumplings in front of them.

"I overheard your conversation about the food, so I thought of buying you some." He gently said and smiled.

The two kids we're just looking at him with fear in their eyes.

"S-Sir, we don't have money." The other one said.

"Oh, no! You don't have to pay me. I just really want to help the two of you. So take it, and share it with your families."

The two kids hesitated at first, but they eventually pulled the boxes and checked it.

Tae felt happy when he saw the kids' eyes sparkling in happiness when they saw the dumplings.

"Minnie, it looks delicious!" The other one whispered.

"D-Does this have a poison?" The other one asked, and Tae's mouth flung open.

"P-Poison? No! Why would I do that?"

"T-There are people who gets killed because they ate poison. I don't like poison." He said and Tae felt a bit hurt.

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