Part 14

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For the hundredth time, Tae shifted onto another position but he still couldn't sleep. The amount of thoughts in his head was making it harder.

He was sleeping in the camp, probably gonna live there for how many? 2 months and half? Oh he hope he'll last long.

Each team has a room, it would have been fun if his teammates are still awake, but all of them are sound asleep.

He decided to leave the room and take a walk in the hallways. Its nit actually that dark because even though its 11PM, the sky is still a bit light.

Hands behind him, quietly wandering around the place. He's never seen his school in night time, and even though its the old design, he's still amazed.

He stopped in front of a tree beside the field, the shadows of it's leaves looks really comforting.

He decided to sit under it and lean onto the trunk. He looked up to the sky, stars are winking at him.

If he only knew how beautiful the night sky was, then he would have chosen to look at it than spend the night watching dramas and drawing designs.

And it felt a bit sad. The sky isn't supposed to look this beautiful. The twinkling and shining stars made it even sad. Its bright, but it's dark. Just like him.

The sky has its secrets. The dark night sky looks beautiful, but you never know what it's hiding.

Too bad, Tae was the sky.

"I still wonder, wonder, beautiful story. Still wonder, wonder best part. I still wonder, wonder next story. I want to mine."

Tae sang, it's his self composed song. But he never let anyone hear it, just him and his piano.

"You have talent, Mr. Kim."

He flinched at the sudden voice — well, he actually almost jumped. Who wouldn't be surprised?

"Oh my...can you stop being so creepy?" He cried, his hand catching his chest.

Jungkook was beside him, sitting too. But he never noticed since he's hidden in the shadows.

"Why are you here? You should be in your assigned room." Jungkook wore his cap and sat straight on the ground.

"I..." Tae paused, "I can't sleep. I have insomnia." He said and heaved a sigh.

"I have too." Jungkook said while looking at the sky. Tae sounded interested.

"Really?" He inspected Jungkook's face and then frowned. "You don't get enough sleep but you still look fresh." Tae muttered, but Jungkook heard him.

"While me, I look like a panda." He cried, his face getting longer.

Jungkook looked at him, "You don't look like a panda."

Tae bit his lip to control his smile. "Really? Do I look cute then?" He asked and looked at him with eyes blinking repeatedly.

"No," Jungkook paused. "You look like a zombie."

Tae's smile faded away. He immediately smacked his arm.

"Haha, funny." Then rolled his eyes.

After that, silence reigned in them. No one dared to speak, just the crickets and the defeaning sound of silence.

"Mr. Kim," Jungkook started. Tae looked at him. "Yes?"

"Are you..." Jungkook hesitated. "Are you okay now?" He asked, referring to the incident earlier.

Tae's mouth opened, but no words came out. He looked away and bit his lip. He never knew Jungkook cared.

He faced him, "Well, kind of." Tae said and Jungkook nodded. He stood up and fixed his clothes.

"That's good to hear. Go to sleep now, we have a morning call tomorrow."

Tae nodded and smiled. "Goodnight, Captain!" He greeted, but Jungkook didn't bother to look back and continued walking.

"No, 'goodnight toos'?" He shouted, but it was just silence who answered him. He sighed.

"He's cute but rude." He stood up & went back to their room.

" He stood up & went back to their room

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To be continued

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To be continued...

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Love you...Stay safe 😚

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now