Part 27

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Jungkook sat bolt upright as soon as he felt himself drifting asleep. He saw the moon and its approximately 10 in the evening.

He's been waiting for 9 hours now. But he made his waiting time productive since he did some important works.

But up to now, Tae hasn't come.

He thought that maybe he's just busy. Maybe he's doing something right now, and he'll come later.

But he's been thinking that for the past few hours and even Tae's shadow wasn't seen.

He felt a bit unmotivated, but he still wanted to wait for him.

"He'll come, he will."

While on the other hand, Tae was standing right in front the camp gate. It was his turn to guard it until 12 in midnight.

He was still, but his thoughts were so occupied.

He knew Jungkook was waiting. But he wasn't ready for what he's gonna say.

Truth hurts, eh?

Right before his eyes, woman on horse with another guy on another horse.

It was quite odd for him too see that especially that there is a curfew for people when night.

The face became clear, and he can hear his heart break again when he saw Lisa — Jungkook's fiancée.

Lisa went down the horse and they bowed to each other. Luckily, Tae was with his other team mate on duty so he's not alone.

"Goodevening Miss Manoban, Captain Jeon is inside his office."

Tae immediately said without having an eye contact with her.

He heard Lisa chuckled.

"I'm not here for him. But rather for you." Tae immediately looked up to surprise, what did she just say?

"Me?" He asked again, cuz what if he's just hearing things?

Lisa nodded, "Yes. I need to talk to you." She said and Tae felt nervous.

"Can I borrow him for awhile?"

She asked the other soldier, and he nodded. "Don't worry, it wont be long. My guard can substitute him for awhile."

They went beside the camp where there is a small park. Its night, but the sky is brighter than black.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Jeon?"

Lisa giggled. "Mrs. Jeon?" She asked and Tae nodded. "You're his fiancée, you're soon to be a Jeon."

He flashed a smile, even though he's dying emotionally. His heart is aching knowing that he's talking to the person who is going to marry the person he loves.

"Actually," Lisa sat on the bench near the tree. "I'm here to talk to you about that."

Tae gulped, he doesn't know why he's nervous. He's always avoiding this topic, but now — it has come to an end.

"W-What about it?" He asked, sitting not far beside her.

Lisa sighed, "Jungkook trusts you, so I know that I can trust you too." Tae slowly nodded.

"But promise me that you won't tell anyone about everything that I'll tell you."

What is this? Why is it scaring him to death? "I promise."

Within just words, its enough to make Taehyung freeze. Literally freeze — he has stopped breathing for a while.

"We're not truly fiancées." Eyes shot open in the state of shock, unable to blink. Lisa was expecting that reaction.

Captain Jeon ; since 1894Where stories live. Discover now