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Jannah was discussing her furniture with Hajiya for the second time this week and Hajiya was still very determined on halving the cost of it with Abbiey.

Jannah appreciated it, but the sweet family had done enough for them already she loved these people to a fault she didn't know how they could ever repay them, burdening them with such a huge responsibility now certainly didn't feel right. Not when the economy was in recession and everyone was trying hard to make ends meet.

Hajiya's face was lined with a frown, "I didn't know you never took us as your family." Her words were laced with intense hurt.

Jannah closed her eyes momentarily, Hajiya had been trying to wave the topic off playfully but she just managed to provoke her.

"I'm like your mother, no, I'm your mother Jannah. And I'm only trying to carry out my duty as one. But you clearly just see me as the mother of your neighbor friend who doesn't know when to stop involving in your family's business."

Jannah let out a silent gasp, realizing just how badly she had hurt this woman... this amazing woman that had only showed her nothing but love so enormous not even her real children got it sometimes.

"I'm sorry, Hajiya. Wallahi this isn't what i think of you." Jannah apologized sincerely, but the tight frown on Hajiya's face showed she needed more than that apology to cool off.

"Of course you're my mother, Hajiya. And that is why i want you to relax and let the man do all the spending and all you have to do is choose the furniture and... maybe pamper me into the most beautiful bride."

Hajiya was quiet for a few moments before her eyes darted to her, "Baban Binafa wants to pitch in too, do you want him to just watch from the sidelines?"

Jannah sighed, this time out of words.

"If that's what you want, then." Hajiya rose to her feet, adjusting the side of her wrapper.

"No, Hajiya..."

Hajiya raised her hand, cutting her short.

"It's not what you th..."

Hajiya ambled out of the bedroom, leaving her stuck in mid-sentence.

Jannah wanted to roll on Hajiya's bed and scream for being so senseless. Hajiya had never been angry at her, at least not openly, and now she wasn't even listening to her, this was bad, so bad Jannah wanted to rewind back the last thirty minutes and tell Hajiya "Yes, I can't thank you enough for this, you are the best family i have ever had."

She could still run after her and say it but she was sure even that would not melt down her anger at the moment.

With a depression sigh, Jannah laid back into the warmness of Hajiya's canopied-bed and curled up into herself, trying to think of a way to make up to Hajiya for being such an unthinking wooden-head.


This was probably the millionth time Sheikh found himself scrolling through his contacts list for Jannah's number. He missed her so much she hunted his dreams. Not the scary ones, the sweetest!

Last night he dreamt about them on a fabulous sandy beach having the time of their lives, she was wearing yellow and had the most beautiful smile on her face. 

As soon as he stirred into reality, he prayed nawafil, prolonging his sujood and begging Allah to destine her for him if she was good for him. Because his chest was threatening to burst with pain.

He had fallen so deeply for the girl in a way he had never imagined was possible.

Sheikh ran a hand over his face, wishing for some of the stress weighing him down to go away. He turned when Muhsin knocked on his window, Sheikh forgot he was in the parking space of the Nadabos for nearly half an hour now.

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