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Jannah looked at the litter of clothes around her with an exasperated huff, she hated seeing her room in a mess and the fact that it had been like that since morning galled her.

Sorting out clothes was no fun.

But then it distracted her mind a bit, which was good for her. She would do anything to take her mind far from Sheikh or the case or her nearing wedding.

She plopped into a heap of underwear, and her back made a pleasing crack sound.

Jannah didn't realize she had dozed off until she heard a soft knock on her door, and Abbiey's voice came, "You have a guest."

Her heart burst into a gallop, "Who is it, Abbiey?"

"Someone, i have never seen him before. He said he wants to say something important and it's urgent. Don't keep him waiting."

Jannah didn't know whether to be glad or sad that it wasn't the person she thought. She was going crazy, why would Sheikh just show up in her house?

She slipped on a jilbab just when it occurred to her showing up unannounced was Sheikh's favorite thing to do.

But it couldn't be him, he wouldn't dare show up his face to her family again! She hoped the man had enough decency. And oh, she hoped he knew she told Abbiey what a double-faced person he was.

With a shaky breath, she stepped out of her bedroom and the man she met in the living room wasn't Sheikh but he looked vaguely familiar.

"I'm Qasim." He said with a polite smile.

Jannah narrowed her eyes, trying to think where she knew him from.

"I helped you take a man to a hospital some months ago. Does that ring a bell?"

Her eyes darted to his glossy head and then it clicked... the baldy!

"I'm truly sorry, I really need to get better at recognizing faces."

Qasim laughed, "It's okay, we've only met once."

Jannah nodded and then paused at his statement, they have only met once and parted ways at the hospital, how did he know her address?

Qasim must have noticed the doubtful look on her face because he immediately said, "I know you're thinking how i got here. But that's why I'm here, to clear things up."

Jannah was suddenly wary, but she calmed down a bit when she remembered Abbiey was in the house, she only needed to scream if anything happened.

"I used to work for a woman, Hajiya Sara Ibrahim. And my work was to stalk you and your sister and report back whatever was happening to her. My meeting with you that day wasn't a coincidence, i was trailing right behind you and to be honest when i saw you in that condition I didn't know why I helped."

Jannah instantly felt queasy, this man made her extremely sick to her stomach but she wanted him to get to the end of it. Fast!

"I still followed you in the hospital but left immediately when i realized your sister was dead..."

"Please get straight to the point. Why the heck did she make you do this?" Jannah was trembling.

JANNAH Where stories live. Discover now