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Jannah had noted down the to-do list on Amatu's case process. And on the top was to request for the medical report. So on the weekend Jannah decided it was the perfect day to carry out the task. When she whisked Binafa off from her guest for a moment that afternoon, and told her about it, she looked rather displeased.

"I thought we talked about this, why are you stubborn?" She huffed, "I still don't think this is a good idea."

"Oh please... don't get us started." Jannah glared at her.

"This is way bigger than you think Jannah. It is a Herculean process, finding the rapist is a major stumbling block itself and the officers? They are just going to make everything tenfold laborious and before you know it they have sucked you dry."

"One thing i know is even if its going to be a futile case. It's better than not trying at all." Jannah picked her satchel and placed the strap on her shoulder.


"Discouraging me should be the last thing on your mind if you really took her as your sister." Tears filled Jannah's eyes but she quickly blinked them away.

"I loved Amatullah with everything in me down to the last atom and molecule." Binafa held her hands, "You know how she reacted when you reported the assault to the police, filing a case was not what she wanted. Now that she's gone doesn't mean that we should disregard her wish."

"I know but that was because she was traumatized. She was scared if we filed the case the world would know, she feared the social stigma, there are people that would point fingers and the humiliation she would have to bear whenever she went out. She was afraid of the shame for herself and us. Its a fate that is worse than death, Binafa anyone in her shoe would have reacted the same way she did."

Binafa swallowed a lump in her throat, "Ya Allah, that is so unfair."

"And what is more unfair is letting a perpetrator go scot-free without a stiff punishment." They both turned at the same time to see Hajiya standing by the door.

"Needless to say, numbers of unsuccessful rape cases are terribly higher than the ones that went successful. And that's the reason so many people refrained from filing a case, scared of it being futile in the long run." Hajiya sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Unfortunately, its like we're granting every rapist in the world a license to do whatever they want and that only entails proliferation of rape."

"Amatullah may have not entertained the idea but there's no way we will let sleeping dogs lie, we are going to fight for her rights to the last breath. So, I'm with you Jannah, Baffa and Abbiey are all with you, you have our blessings and this shall go well in shaa Allah."

Jannah hugged her so tight. What did she do to deserve this wonderful woman? She literally said it all, everything.

When they broke the hug, Hajiya glared at Binafa, "And let me hear you say something against it again. I will surely let you have it."

Binafa looked down, "I'm sorry Hajiya."

When she walked out, Jannah twisted her lips at her, "She got me, you can keep your discouragement to yourself."

Binafa glared at her subtly, then she smiled, "Let me send Usman away and be your escort."

Jannah widened her eyes, "Are you crazy? I know he's already there ready to get my head for keeping you away for so long."

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