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Sheikh looked at his brother from where he sat on the coffee chair in his bedroom. Two days ago after he got back from work he met Khaleel unconscious on the toilet floor.

Sheikh rushed him to the nearest hospital, and after he finally regained consciousness, the doctor there said he blacked out as a result of a fatal overdose of sleeping pills.

Sheikh didn't know what to do anymore, his brother was slowly slipping away from them and he was afraid even the most certified therapist won't be able to help him get through this. Because Khaleel was not allowing himself to give voice to his pain.

It was disintegrating him with each passing day.

Sheikh sighed heavily as he watched him sleep. Their family doctor just left after giving him an injection to help him sleep.

After watching silently him for almost half an hour, Sheikh got up and moved to the living room. He took out his phone from his pocket and tried calling Jannah for the umpteenth time since last week.

It went unanswered again.

He was worried because that was unusual. He had been meaning to pay her a visit at home or in her school but he was busy as a bee, with his work that was only getting more demanding and Khaleel, he hardly got time for himself.

His deep affection for Jannah was growing, it was overwhelming him now. She was always on his mind, every second of each day, she persecuted his dreams too, his best dreams. He didn't know if he could hold it in any longer, he might be found passed out on the floor of his toilet too!

For all he knew, repressing feelings could do some much damage to a person.

He took his phone and dialed her number again. He had decided he would tell her, even though the chances of her accepting him were way too slim, it was better than not trying at all, even if she was getting married to Doc. khalifah today. And at least, he would get it off his chest. One of his problems would be solved.

When his call went unanswered again, he sighed in exasperation and closed his eyes shut. He stayed like that until he fell asleep on the sofa.


Sheikh had never been this late to work. It was already past ten in the morning when he made it to his office. A pile of work awaiting him, and a back pain to nurse from sleeping on the couch.

Kameel, his assistant waved at him from his cabin, "Good morning, you're extremely late today."

"You can say that again." Sheikh said, trying to slung his messenger bag on his shoulder while holding some papers and trying not to spill his mint tea that had turned almost tepid now.

"Do you need some help?" Kameel offered.

"Yes please, my hands are full. I can't open my office."

When Kameel opened the door for him, he thanked him and walked in, keeping everything on his desk he slumped on his swivel chair.

Few minutes later, Kameel knocked and walked in then dropped some files on his desk.

"The DPP sent in a new case this morning. And you have a meeting around 2pm with a client, the one whose husband raped their daughter. Umm... Then another one with the DPP, he informed me this morning but still hasn't said the particular time, i have a feeling he will postpone it until tomorrow, but stay ready just in case."

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