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"We dont want you to suffer so we decided we go on a break with you till we get our selves situated" Koz says

I nodded my head, fighting the tears as my heart broke.

My mind wasn't lying when it knew that this was to happen tonight.

"We will get back together after we are situated" Happy says

"So instead of trying or chancing long distance relationship between me and you both. you two are calling this relationship off. Hell it's not even reached two year mark and you two are tossing in the towel."

I stand up and walk towards the door grabbing my things.

"Its not like that" Herman tries.

"No bullshit. Don't give me that whole its not like that shit. Cause it is. I finally meet two guys who actually changed my life cause I thought I'd finally be happy with them regardless of us being togther just one damn year and then once you two come back from your run you breka up with me. So yes its fucking liek that Herman. I'm not an idoit despeite what some may thing ccause where i'm from."

I shook my head and walked out the door slamming it behind me as climbed into my car and left.

I didnt even look back just focused on the main road.

I fought the pain and tears back till I was safely in my room.

Grabbing a pillow I put it up to my face and screamed out all the pain and shit I felt.

I just wanted this shit to be a nightmare that I'd wake from and be surrounded by Koz and Happy but it's not. It's a reality which fucking sucks.

Mals walked into my room and seen the state i was in. not asking questions she walked over and comforted me as I cryed and screamed in my pillow.

"Why cant I for once in my life be happy and stay happy?" I asked

"I dont know hunny" she says

"Its liek I told you all thoses years back when we was younger that'd i'd be an old maid and pass from this world as one and damn it if I not half way there."

I cried till I couldnt cry anymore then I just laid there in a tearless mess as Mals held me and told me soothing words she hoped would help but after while I zoned out before I passed out from tiredness.

Their second chance (Completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now