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I stood there not saying a word as I listened to my husbands' complaining about my mood swings and me being hormonal.

"I mean I love her don't get me wrong. but those damn moods swings, man is driving me crazy" Koz says

"one minute she's happy next she's crying over some dog commercial," Happy says

"she's pregnant. it's a side effect that us mothers experience" Gem tells them

"We get that, but honestly we are about to be driven up the wall," Koz says

I walked more into where they were and made sure they heard me.

" Well, you two can keep your fucking asses here and never come home. we don't need to have shit happening that you two can't handle. I mean my god I'm fucking carrying twins which isn't easy but I'm doing a damn good job thinking that everything was right as rain with us three but fuck me if I wasn't wrong. So while I handle the remainder of my pregnancy you two stay here. You're not welcome home or around me. I've done this shit alone before and I'll do it again" I said before I turned and walked out slamming the door as  I left.

I didn't head home since I was having contractions all day. inside I went to St.Thomas checked myself in after telling them what was going on. I told them I didn't need anyone to be called that I was fine alone. 

Once I was changed into the hospital gown and hooked up the doctor examine me then told me how far I was and how long it possibly take for me to reach the ten mark.

So I sat there rubbing my stomach apologizing to my babies that their daddies were a bunch of crying ass babies who can't handle simple shit.

Once they induced me since things seemed to the ground running cause before I knew what occurred I was laying there after hours on top of hours pushing. now here I am holding my son and daughter. We are experiencing our first skin to skin contact which soothed them from the fussing and crying they were doing once they enter this world.

"Well, Theon "Theo"  Caynen Lowman and Camreigh "Reigh" Renelle Kozik. Welcome to this world, you've both made it out of doing nine months inside." I say as I kissed them softly on their heads.

I was so proud of myself for going through all I had to ensure they'd stay healthy that my pregnancy while carrying them was not to stress I'd risk miscarrying them. and that I followed the doctor's directions on staying off my feet for long periods of time.

When the nurse came in we went over a lot of things their names include before another nurse wheeled in little cots for them to sleep in beside my bed.

"Are you sure you have no one we should call?" the nurse asked

"I'm sure," I replied

She nodded her head and congratulated me before making her exit.

I laid back looking at my two little loves and smiled.

I was so happy to have them here with me. I just hoped I can keep them with me forever.

When the thought of Aeri came to mind I started crying but I managed no to make a sound not wanting to disturb Theo's and Regih's sleep.

I looked up at the ceiling where I proceeded to have a silent one sided conversation with my angel Aeri.

I wiped my eyes before I drifted to sleep needing to rest after all that hard laboring I went through.

When I woke in the middle of the night due to the twins crying cause they were hungry I simply got myself situated before I lifted them up in my arms and laid them at my breast being careful with my movement and keep a close eye on them as they fed.

Their second chance (Completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now