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After I said my goodbyes I headed to my little shop and busied myself there with the customers and inventory.

After handling my last customer for the day I bid them a good day as they walked out the door. I went to lock the front but the sound of a gun cocking right at my head had me stop.

"Make sure your little sons get this message since the first didnt go through. They either stop selling to color and spicks or we wipe them out" the person said before he knocked me out.

Moments later I came to with the worst headache ever.

I checked my store before I left being surprised that they didnt reck my business after knocking my ass out with their gun.

I headed to the T-M garage. I was mad and upset. Upset at myself for getting back into dealign with Motorcycle clubs as I did with the Tacoma one and mad cause I'm being dragged into this shit and wasn't given any warning.

I parked my car and headed right for the garage office and shut the doors locking them before I faced Gemma.

"Is there something you wish to inform me Gemma?" I asked

She looks at me

"No there isn't anything I wanna inform you." she says

"Funny how I just got a fucking gun taking to me head after being told to rely a messes to the sons." I replied

"Son of a bitch" she says while gettign up and unlocking the door to the garage and walked out

I stay where I am waiting for her return. With the sound of footfalls I know she's informed all the Sons in the garage about what happened.

"Tell them what you told me" Gemma says

I looked at them noticing Opie and Jax amongst the group before I sighed.

" I was about to close my shop when this guy cocked his gun at the back of my head. He told me sicne the first didnt go through. They either stop selling to color or we wipe them out" I repeated what the guy said

"Then what happen?" the older guy asked

"The hit me in the back of my head with their gun and left. Which surprised me that my palce wasn't ruined. And I seriously wonder how stupid they are since they wanna threatened the sons about color and spicks. When Happy is Spanish" I replied they looked a little surprised at that reply.

"Who's also the Tacoma killer that practically get pleasure from killing poeple after he has his fun with torturing them." I says

"How do you know about him and his nickname?" Opie asked

"Its a long story which at the moment isn't needign to be told. I think the first message is needign to be told" I replied

"no . it doesnt" Gemma says

"Why not. What happened and who does it involve?" Jax asked

"Can you give me, my husband and our guys some time?" Gemma asked

I walked out the garage office door before I full walked outside where I leaned against the rails.

"So you went from one son's territory to another?"

"I dont have time for your shit Herman. I have nothign to say to you nor do I wanna talk to you. As far as everyone but Happy is considered I dont have a clue to who you are. And I'll keep it like that." I say not bothing to look at him.

"I deserve that" he says

I turned and looked at him.

"No what you deserve is to have your heart broken. Have sleeplys night where your up late crying your eyes out ove loosing your child and over people who fucking wrecked your heart. You deserve to feel the pain and suffering I had when I expeicned the shit I did and never dereved it."

With that said I walked off and got in my car leaving.

I headed to the hospital to have them check my head to see if there was a possibility of me having a concussion.

The excuse I used was falling on a wet floor after business hours. Which they bought seeing as the nurse and doctor I'm being seen by have both been to my boutique countless times. And they know I hardly ever do anything but work even after hours.

When they told me that I had a slight bump and concussion I thanked them before I left once I was discharged and headed home to find a form of entertainment to keep myself occupied for two hours or so just to be safe.

Once the hours passed I crashed out or at least tried to but the banging on my door prevented that.

I walked over looked through my peep hole before yanking my door open and raised hell.

"How did you find me? And what in the fuck do you think you two are doing at my house? Go away I am not gonna talk with you. Leave me alone." I tell Happy and Herman

"Not happening Leilah" Happy says as they both push their way past me and inside my house.

"Get the fukc out or I will cal lthe law on you for fuckign breakign and entering. Which I'm sure with your twos records they'd snatch you both right up with out so much as a blink of an eye" I threatened.

"Sit down and shut up. You arent calling anyone. We are here for your protection and to talk" Happy says

"Last I check hell hasnt frozen over so me ever fucking listenign to either of you two isn't happening. So take your ass back out to your bikes and leave before things get ugly."

Happy walked up getting into my face before he shoved my door closed grabebd my wrist and pulled me into my living room.

"I swear Happy Lowman if you dont fucking let me go I'll kick you in the balls" I warned

He dropped my wrist and pointed to the couch.

"I'm not your child so I wont listen to you now get out" I tell them

"Leilah we have to talk your life is in danger," Herman says

"My life is in danger cause I'm here, right?" I asked

He nodded his head

"Why is this my fucking outcome. I left Tacoma to leave behind painful memories just to walk into my life sentence and fucking past" I say to no one in general.

"Look the man who hit you is a Nazzi supporter and he's trying to take business from Samcro" Happy states

"What the hell does that have to do with me. I'm not part of the club or an ol lady?"

"They've seen you around with Gemma and Lyla who are old ladies," Herman says

"Shit. this is just bullshit"

I start to rub my temples as I pace.

"We need you to pack a bag with two weeks worth of clothes and come with us to the clubhouse where everyone will be under lock down," Herman says

"I have no connection to you all apart from gemma and Lyla."

"Either you go get the bag or I will and I dont care what type I grab or dont I'll pack it and drag your ass to the clubhouse if I have to." Happy says

"Wow. in the two years since we've last spoken or saw each other you've become a grade a big asshole. Bet everything about you has change insclduing harming women" I say lifting my wrist where a brise from where he gripped the hell out of it formed.

Their second chance (Completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now