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I basically became a shell of a person after that whole ordeal. I wouldn't talk to anyone. I wouldn't do anything but eat and sleep.

When the lockdown was let up I gathered my things and left. I wanted to be alone but I knew that I'd never be alone. That regardless of what happens they'll never leave me alone.

I was sitting in my tub trying to relax when the sound of someone letting their selves in could be heard.

I got out of the tub and dried off before slipping my clothes on and walked into my room grabbing my gun and waited.

The sounds of breaking glass and my home being destroyed were heard.

I called the cops and told them someone was in my house and that I needed cops here immediately.

I could hear the sirens but they was a distance away.

My bedroom door was busted down and a guy stood there looking like something parents warn their childent about or tell them to frighten them in order for them to behave.

"Come with me and no one will be hurt" he says

"Not happening. Get out of my house or I'll shoot you" I replied

He laughed as if I told a joke before advancing towards me. I shot him point blank in the chest before I turned my attention to the sound of running feet and sirens.

When two more guys came charging in I shot them as well before the cops finally got there.

"Put your gun down and get on the floor" the cop said

So I did as I was told and laid there as the cops checked my place before the cuffed me which was fucked up since I was defending myself.

"Who are you and what business do you have in this house?" a cop asked

"I live here" I replied

"So youre the owner?"


"Why did you kill these men?"

"They came after me threating to kill me if I didn't leave with them I was protecting myself in fear of my life" I replied

He pulled me up and walked me out of my room going towards the back of his cop car.

I made sure I got his anem cause I'm gonna nail his ass if he locks me up for this.

After I was put in the system by this stupid cop I requested my lawer and the stupid fucker tried telling me I didnt have that right.

"I'm not talking till I speak with my lawyer" I tell them

"You a convicted felon you have no rights" he says

I kept tight lip as he all but lost his shit before storming out.

When a older guy walked in I looked at him and reconized him as unser the crooked cop that helps the Samcro boys here in Cally out.

"Why are you in here?"

That stupid cop madison arrested me for defending myself when I called that people was in my house. I shot and killed them after they tried to kill me. Then he tells me I have no rights cause I'm a felon. So I want my lawyer please Unser and I want her here now."

He sighed and walked out the door.

I sat there for a good twenty minutes before my attorney came in and we talked and I told her that I'm going after that cops badge for wrongful charges and being arrested for self defense when I was in fear of my life.

She informed me that the charges and everything was dropped and nothing will be in my record.

"He called me a felon. To protect myself, he arrested me for no reason. I want his ass fired and him to never be able to get work as a cop again for that stunt." tell her

After the case against the cop was filed and dealt with the truth of why I was arrested was told. And it's due to the fact the cop wanted to be in good graces with the higher ups in the division by arresting someone he claimed was involved with the sons gun business.

They fired him and made sure he'd never become a cop against for wrongful arrest.

Their second chance (Completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now