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Finally, after two days of staying in the hospital, I was able to take my babies home.

I had just placed Reigh & Theo in the car when I heard someone walk up behind me. So I shut the door and looked at them seeing Gemma.

"this is where you've been?" 

"yea, for two days" I replied

"why?" she asked

I reopened the door and she peaked in before looking back at me.

"why didn't you call?"

"I didn't want to deal with Koz and happy since they fucking complained about my mood swings and hormones." I replied

"they'd never would had known."

"I wasn't chancing it."

"where are you headed now?"

"Home unless they are there then I'll probably go to myshop after picking up a few items."

"I'll follow you" she says

I nodded my head and climbed into the drivers seat.

I drove home but upon seeing Haps and Koz bike along with a few others I drove past and headed to the store.

When I got out Gemma had parked next to me and came over to get Theo out.

"what are their names?"

"That's Theon "Theo" Caynen Lowman  in your hands. and this little lady Camreigh "Reigh" Renelle Kozik" I replied

"perfect names for them," she says

I nodded my head as we headed inside putting the carries in the buggy where little kids sit half the time.

"Alright what are we needing?"

"A few baby items so when I have these little Angels with me at work or when we're in lock down  they'll have a place to sleep" I answered

She nodded her head as we headed off in the direction of the baby section. I had grabbed two of the same color portable cribs, and a table changer for them. before I headed off to purchase some diapers, pacis, and a few burp rags.

Once all that was purchased Gemma helped me put them in the car before she and I placed the sleeping babies in the car.

"follow you home, the guys should be gone by now," she says

"alright" I replied

We headed home and true to her word the guys were gone. so I pulled into the driveway with Gemma behind me we got the babies out and headed inside laying them in their cribs. I turned the baby monitor on before I went to offer my help but Gemma had ordered me to sit and take it easy so I did just that while she brought the items in.

As Theo and Reigh slept Gemma and I put together the cribs and changing table before we closed them up and she put them in my car while I put the diapers away along with the burp rags.

After everything was taken care of and situated I went back to taking it easy as I talked with Gemma for a bit till she left  then I headed upstairs checked on Theo and Reigh before I headed to bed and took a nap.

When I woke I seen Koz and Hap holding our babies.

"when did they arrive?" Koz asked

"two days ago" I replied as I sat up and fixed my top knowing it was feeding time for Theo and Reigh.

"you never called to let us know" Hap says as they both handed me our babies so I could feed them.

"there was no use in calling to tel lyou two anything with you both bitching about my hormos and mood swings." I replied

"we wanted to be there" Koz says

"well maybe if you haven't fucking complained as if a pregnant woman's hormones was the worst things you both dealt with then you'd would've been there. but no you both bitched and moaned about something thats nothing compared to the shit you experience everyday."

They say nothing else just look at their babies feeding.

"What did you name them?" Hap finally asked

"Theon "Theo" Caynen Lowman and Camreigh "Reigh" Renelle Kozik" I anwsered

"she's mine?" Koz asked

"I told you after you all but beat that guy who punched me to death that you had a daughter and Happy has a son," I replied as I looked up at him.

" did you think I was fucking with you?"

"I'm just shocked."

"Are they healthy?" Hap asked as he cautiously approaches me like I'm some wild beast that if he gets too close I'll attack.

"perfectly healthy."

"Where have you been for two days?"

"well the day I told you two off I admitted myself into the hospital have been dealing with contractions the whole day. and after having Theo and Reigh. they kept us for two days just to make perfectly sure they were both healthy and that nothing was wrong with me."

This time Koz did the same thing as Happy.

"I'm not som fucking wild beast that'll snap if you get too close so stop approaching me like one damn it" I snapped

"Sorry," they both say before taking a seat beside me and just looking mesmerized by our babies.

"it's so unreal," Koz says

"it is" Happy agreed

I carefully handed our babies to their father while I fixed my top. as they burped the babies. I was quick to hand them both a burp rag so there'd not be any sit or puke on them.

Their second chance (Completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now