A Widow's Kiss (Yelena Belova, aka White Widow)

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Yelena Belova sighed as she glanced at every document splattered all around the table. She had been organizing every single aspect from her company, trying to recuperate every aspect from it. She was a clone, one of three clones that the original Yelena Belova had. The original and the first clone had both perished, having been killed by enemies from their past. The second clone had created another life of her own, even changing her name to accomplish her goal. And then herself, the third clone, the one who wanted to redeem the name of Yelena Belova.

"This is very tiresome..." She had been stuck in the main office of her lingerie company for quite some time. Her hand moving without any thought, signing every paper that she had already separated specifically. The other bunch of paperwork accumulated all inside of a trash can were documents that she was not going to accept, preferring to deal with things on her own. "How could the original deal with all of this?"

She already wanted to appoint someone else as CEO of the company, while she would only be needed for the more important reunions. But she didn't trust anyone to handle that much responsibility with her new company, the company that she took because she had the same name as the original Yelena Belova. But before she could keep on pondering on what else she had to do, she heard a knock on her door. She stopped moving her hand, raising her head slightly to already see the door slightly opened up and with one of her workers looking through the crack of the door.

"Da?" Her russian language appeared for a moment, looking at the worker with a raised eyebrow. She was a busy woman, trying to juggle not only her new company but her second life as the White Widow. Trying to destroy what was left of the Red Room alongside Natalia Romanova, also known as the Black Widow, made her life very chaotic.

"T-The photographer has arrived, miss Belova" Yelena instantly let the pen fall from her grasp, her eyes widening in shock as she just remembered that she had called a freelance photographer to take the pictures of her newests' lingerie designs. She immediately stood up, picking up the designated paperwork that she had already signed beforehand. She was thankful that she had decided to fill everything the day prior to the event, because she was almost sure that she would have completely forgotten. Especially with everything that she currently had on her head.

"Set up the conference room. I'll be there shortly" She managed to see just how her work almost appeared to disappear from her sight as soon as she had finished her words. She couldn't believe just how her original self had all of these workers if she instilled all of this fear upon them. And while it was something she knew that she had to fix soon enough, she had other matters to attend to.

Time Skip

Peter Parker stirred in his seat, uncomfortable with his current situation. He remembers when he and the other Avengers were fighting the original Yelena Belova, making things even more awkward for him. Though he has talked to Natasha Romanoff and the Black Widow had explained that this Yelena wanted to do good. So it was enough for him to want and help her with the whole photo shoot she had. It didn't make anything less weird for him.

"I'm sorry for the wait..." Peter looked to the side, watching carefully as the blonde haired woman entered the room with a stack of papers in her hands. Her proper get up was beautiful, but what attracted him the most were the glasses she had on. She probably only used them for when she had to deal with paperwork, but it highlights her blue eyes. "I was busy with-"

But it was then that Yelena looked at the man who had accepted helping her with all of this. She widened her eyes slightly just by watching the man look at her with such a look. She could feel the hazel eyes burning through her skin and soul, the hidden caring sight before her making her clutch the stack of paper a bit harder to her chest. He was incredibly handsome and she could definitely admire him, it is not luke she was in any kind of relationship.

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