-*^||Accedents Happen||^*-(~Dream~)

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This one was suggested by my lovely partner!

Will include-
~Little space, crying, panicking-almost panic attack, fluff~


^*Nicknames:*^Bub, Bubba, Baby, little boy, buddy, sweetheart, and others!( For Dream)
Daddy,(Non sexual) Dada(For George)


(3ed person POV)

It had been about two years from the time that Dream and George moved in together and figured more about themselves. The main thing that they had figured out, well George figured out was that Dream age regressed as a way to deal with stress. George of course was not bothered by it and found it cute. He lived his partner dearly and the day that Dream told him about it and asked him to be his caregiver George obviously said yes.

-Dream POV-

I woke up in the morning feeling small. I wasn't sure how little though, that was fine however because I could figure that out once I was fully awake. I yawned a bit when I felt something sort of wet. I looked down to try and figure out what I felt. When I looked down I saw the bed wet and my sweatpants a bit wet as well. I started getting nervous. 'What if Daddy gets mad' I thought to myself in my mindset. I started to cry and shake panicking at what my caregiver would think when he woke up. I sat there shaking and crying quietly. I soon started to think more into if George would punish me and started to get more nervous causing me to shake more violently and my silent cry's to turn into sobs.

*^George POV^*

I woke up to hearing Dream sobbing. I shot up somewhat quickly trying to see what was wrong. "Baby what's wrong you are shaking a lot?"I asked softly and in a comforting tone knowing that he was most likely little. "D-daddy wiw get m-mads." He responded to me. I frowned and leaned down to him hugging him a bit."Baby, Daddy won't get mad what's wrong sweetheart?"I asked again more softly this time. He only broke out into more sobs. I only had to assume that he didn't want to tell me. I looked down a bit and had seen that the bed was wet as well as his pants a bit as well. "Awww buddy it's ok accidents happen."I said calmly. "Daddy isn't mad don't worry."I added. "W-weally?"He said. "Yes I'm not mad, now how about we give you a nice morning bath and change you into a onesie."I said. He nodded excitedly in response. "Oh and can you tell Daddy how old you feel?"I asked lifting him up. Dream thought for a few seconds before holding up two fingers. "Well I guess my baby is a little boy today huh."I said as he giggled. I brought him to the bathroom and helped him get out of his clothes as I put him in bath. I grabbed his rubber duck and told him that I would be right back. I went into the room and grabbed him a green cat onesie and a pull up for him to put on.

I went back to see Dream playing with his rubber duck toy. I smiled lightly as I grabbed the wash rag from the counter and wet it and but some soap on it to wash Dream off. Once Dream was all washed up I got him out helping him dry off and put on his pull up and onesie. "Alright bub why don't we go make some breakfast."I said as I lifted him up and went to the room. " 'aci?"(Paci?) Dream asked. I smiled and nodded grabbing him his lime green pacifier and handing it to him.

As we headed downstairs i set Dream in the living room and gave him his coloring books and crayons. He smiled up at me as he sat on the floor. "Tank oo Dada!"Dream said. "Mhm" i hummed in response as I headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I made dream some oatmeal and put some banana and strawberry slices in it. On the other side of his plate I put some yogurt melts for him to snack on if he wanted them as well. I also grabbed a sippy cup for him and filled it with apple juice. "Bubba you ready to eat?"I yelled out as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. "Ya!"I heard Dream yell back. I set out food on the table and went to the living room to pick up Dream and bring him to the kitchen to eat.

I brought him to the kitchen so we could eat together. Luckily enough Dream was able to feed himself. He managed to eat half of the small portion of oatmeal and three of the five yogurt melts on his plate. "Good job baby! You did so good!"I praised. He giggled and smiled. I took his sippy cup and him to the living room as we laid down on the couch cuddling and watching tv. "D-daddy?" Dream said. "Yes baby boy?" I hummed. "Sleepy.."Dream said to me. "Okay honey, why don't we go upstairs to go lay down."I suggested. He nodded. I brought him upstairs handing him his blob plush that looked like the icon/character of his Minecraft skin. "Wait here while I go make you some milk." I said hanging him his pacifier. I headed back down the stairs into the kitchen to make him some angle milk. Once i had finished making the milk and testing the warm temperature against my hand I headed back up. "Mwiky" Dream said. I smiled and giggled a bit at how adorable he was. I sat down in the bed next to him giving him his milk. He finished most of the bottle of milk before slowly drifting to sleep. I took the bottle out of his hands carefully and replace the bottle that was in his mouth with his pacifier. I put the bottle on the night table and then laid down next to him. I slowly drifted off to sleep with him.
————————————————————————*^A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! Make sure to comment any suggestions you have for other one shots! Love you guys make sure you eat something and drink something^*

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