🎃Mystery Of The Abandoned Lot🎃(non little-space)

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A/n: Enjoy my writing assignment for school! Also sorry about using Sapnap real name I didn't want my teachers to get overly confused
:(( Otherwise....


-Dream POV-

The day is October 31st. Me and one of my best friends George are looking for our other friend Nick otherwise known as Sapnap based off of some other nicknames. George and I are just walking around heading over to Sapnaps locker when we notice that he isn't there. I look over to George with the same surprised look plastered on his face.No one ever really does anything big for halloween though so it was just normal clases like every other boring day. We usually always meet up at Sap's locker before classes start.
"Maybe he just wanted an early start to class?" I say to George. He just nodded his head in agreement as we splitt to go to our morning classes. Conveniently for me I had my homeroom class with Nick so I would most likely end up talking to them once I get to the class. I make my way over to my first class of the day. When I was in the class I got to my seat and again looked around for Nick. To not much surprise he wasn't there in class. 'Huh..' I thought to myself.
I turned my gaze over to a classmate and another friend Wilbur. "Hey Wil, have you heard from Nick at all today?" I questioned. He turned his head and shrugged his shoulders. "No I haven't, maybe you can ask Eret or Niki." He suggested. I nodded my head understandably and turned my head over to the teacher to pay attention to the lesson.
As soon as first class was done I headed over to George's locker to see if he found anything out. "George!" I yelled out to get his attention. He looked over in my direction. "Yes Clay?" He said. "Any news about Nick?" He shook his head to respond to my question. Alright thats it Nick hasn't ever once missed a day of school unless sick or without telling us, SOMETHING has to be going on. Throughout the school day we had asked all of our friends, even the friends who were closer than us to them. Nothing. No one knew anything about the whereabouts of Sapnap.
Me and George had just gotten back to our shared apartment. George was in the kitchen cooking something for a snack while I was sitting on my bed trying to think of where in heck Nick could be. After a few minutes of thinking my phone had chimed. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand to see who texted. It was...NICK?! What the heck! Why now after an entire day of worrying does he text me! I sit up on my bed as I open my phone to read the message.
(Nick)- You + George meet me in the abandoned parking lot. :)
(Clay)- Alright what time?
(Nick)- 12 am on the dot...
(Nick)-I'll be waiting

Ok I am officially creeped out. He texts after hours of all of us worrying of where he is and now he tells me and George to meet him in the abandoned lot at 12 am? What is going on? I run out of my room to where George is. I look up from my phone, his face has a look of pure worry and confusion all over it. "Nick wants to meet up at the abandoned lot at 12 am." I told him. His look just turned even more confused. "I know it's weird, he hasn't told me anything else about what he wants to do." I stated. George simply nodded his head and slid a plate over to me.I sat down respectively and began to eat the sandwich he made as I contemplated whether or not we should actually go.
The time had come. It was 11:30 giving us enough time to drive over to the lot. Me and George had been ready for about an hour so we just headed out to the car and started our drive. To lighten the mood a bit and bring a laugh upon Georges face I decided to pop some stupid jokes I knew he would maybe get mad at me for. "So George, what color is the pumpkin we have at the house?" I had asked slyly. He looked over to me with an angry look. "Yellow? Like a dirty Yellow." He stated. I shook my head. I always made some remark to his color blindness any time we went places. "George, it's orange."I said, trying to stifle my laugh. The rest of the ride was filled with yelling and laughter as we joked around with each other just being completely stupid.
We had soon arrived at the lot. I looked around to see any sight of Nick. He had been no place to be seen. Ok this is great now he has us stuck in an abandoned parking lot trying to find him. This is just a wild goose chase at this rate. We started to hear light ruffleing in the bushes. I looked over to George, his pale blue timid eyes staring back at me with fear draped all over them. I reached my hand up to his silky deep brown hair and started to brush my hand through it to try and help ease his scarcity. I started to look around the dark lot as I pulled George closer to my chest. I felt him melt into my grasp but I couldn't see anything. It was dark. It was quite aside from the light sound heard from the wind blowing by. Then there it was again but this time it was in the trees not the bushes.
I shot my gaze over to the tree and let my eyes trail up to the un fallen orange and red leaves of the tree. I spotted some sort of shadow lurking within the leaves. The shadow figure looked to be sort of tall. Around 5'10 at the very least. It started to move more jumping down from where it was once perched. "Who are you and what do you want from us!" I yelled out. George gripped onto me to find some sort of safety.
I could almost sense the amount of un-renounced fear coming off of him. I held him closer as the figure got closer. I felt a cold wind wish across my back as I turned around to see what was behind me. Nothing was there. If there was something there it was too dark for the blind eye to see. I felt George tap my shoulder. I looked down to meet his soft eyes that were still filled with fear and worry. "Clay please make it stop, I-..I'm scared Clay." George muttered. I hugged him tightly and buried my head into his earthy brown hair. "I know George, I know,"I responded. I lightly kissed the top of his head as I tried to spot whatever that shadow was, or well is.
As if just on cue I heard the ruffling from the bushes again and looked towards them. I carefully pet George's arm and told him I would be right back and walked over to the bush. Out jumped the shadow. It wasn't too visible but it was slightly. I had managed to spot some oh so familiar ravenet hair. I backed away getting close to George again. He immediately latched onto me as I kept an eye out to spot the figure. I felt a warm breath at my ear to my right but George was on my left side. "Revenge is oh too sweet Clay" I heard the familiar voice say. I could tell that George heard the voice too.
"Clay please it is so dark I don't want to be her-" I cut him off as I kissed his pale pink lips. God his lips are soft. I pulled away and lifted him up. I held him close. "Cover your ears ok?" I whispered to George. He nodded and leaned his head onto my shoulder doing exactly as I said. Because I knew that George was sensitive to yelling I had to make sure he was ok first. "Sapnap show yourself now!" I hollered. Sapnap peered his head out from the shadows holding a flashlight below his face to illuminate himself a bit more. With the now seen bright moon, I walked over to Nick. "You guys are no fun." Nick said. "Nick, that was the worst thing that you could have ever pulled onto us, I don't mind much but think about George!" I said sternly. I felt another cold brush of wind behind me.
"Alright Nick stop, this isn't funny." I said, rolling my eyes. I looked back at him. His eyes had confusion written all over them. " I didn't do that?" Sapnap said. His tone was more puzzled than knowing. Suddenly George screamed and started to shake uncontrollably. Me and Nick shared a glance. I tossed him my keys and we booked it to my car. I sat in the back seats with George while Sapnap drove back to me and George's apartment. As I sat with George I was whispering sweet nothings to him, and every once a while giving a light kiss on his forehead before he fell asleep. All of us were left that night unknowing of what George had seen to get him so shaken up. It was just a mystery of the abandoned lot.

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