|~Little Raccoon~|<Tommy>

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It has been so long! Anyway information.


Cg(s)-Techno is main but also Sbi

Prompt/Request- Can you do an sbi age regression where they all meet up and one of them age regresses but is scared about the others finding out but ends up regressing and all goes fine and dandy? (Yes I shall lmao, also sorry if i wrote the prompt wrong lol)

Relationship: Platonic

Any offection such as kissing is platonic, as well as names.

Request By-perry_theplatypussy


♡Tommy POV♡

I sat in the Uber I had gotten to take me over to TechnoBlade's house. All of the Sleepy Bois are doing a meetup, me included, but none of them know that i am a little. Honestly I'm kind of scared that if they find me one day that they will judge m on it.

"Kid this is your stop." The Uber guy said.

"Oh uh, thanks sir." I replied. I tipped him on the app and then headed up to Techno's front door.

I took a deep breath before knocking. The door opened just second later.

I stood there seeing a tall 6'3 man with a pink high ponytail, he was in a light grey hoodie and some black ripped jeans. "Hey kid!" he said, relatively happy through his deep monotone voice. I smiled at him.

We hugged for a quick second before heading inside through the door. Onc we walked in Techno showed me to the room I was staying in and I had just put my suitcase down under the bed.

We both headed back down stairs, my head clowding by the minute. "You hungry Tommy?" Techno asked me. I shook my head but sat down at his kitchen island anyway. Techno followed in pursuit and sat down next to me.

"Kid I can tell something is up please tell me?" Techno said calmly and softly. I shook my head no. "Tommy. What is wrong." Techno said sternly.

"No!" I shouted. I had ran up to the guest room and slammed the door shut.

Techno had followed after me. "Tommy please tell me what's happening! I can't help unless I know what's going on!" Techno said through the door.

"Leave me alone! Please!" I yelled. I heard Techno sigh lightly before walking away.

I had started to cry to myself. I really should have probably just told him. But then again what if he thinks anything different of me?! What Will I do then without my older brother figure around? 

So there I was, laid down in bed, crying to myself softly as I teetered in between headspace.

Moments later another soft know came at the door. "Toms, the others are coming soon, may I please come in to figure out what's wrong?" Techno asked softly. I whined.

His voice was to calming and soft to resist. I got up out of bed, now in headspace around the age of 4.

I opened the door and light tears where streaming down my face.

"Oh Toms, what's the matter?" Techno asked softly. I just leaned my head into his chest, and gripped his shirt.

"No wan' be small, you wasn' posed to know.." I mumbled in between tears.

"Shhhhh, you ok little raccoon, you can be small I promise." Techno said softly. He picked me up and brought me into my room.

"Where is your little gear bub?" Tech asked. I pointed to my bag.

"Bo'om" I slurred out.

Techno nodded and began to go through my bag, he pulled out my cow plush, my red paci, and a bottle.

He took me downstairs and sat me on the counter as he put a pot of water on the stove. He gave me the paci and lightly kissed my nose, before heading over to the pantry and grabbing boxed macaroni. He turned on the stove and let the water heat up.

Techno then walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some juice. He took off the lid to the bottle and filled it up.

He handed me the juice and continued to make the pasta.

When the macaroni and cheese was done he grabbed out a plate and put some onto the plate.

Techno had taken me over to the couch and sat me down and the plate on the coffee table.

I sat with my legs dangling off the edge as we heard a soft knock on the door.

I hid myself under a blanket as Techno went to get the door.

"Hey guys!" Techno said.

"Hey mate, very happy to see you." Phil said.

"Hey Tech! Wait where is Tommy? Kinda thought that the gremlin would be jumping up in excitement to see all of us together." Wilbur said

I whined lightly under the blanket.

"What was that?" Phil questioned.

Oh no.

I started to get nervous. Of course they would hear me when I didn't want them too, of course I just wanted Techno to be here and have it just be us two alone for another little while so he could feed me and look after me, of course I had to keep this a secret...

I started to shake and lightly whine under the blanket.

I heard footsteps walk over and the blanket being lifted up a bit.

"It's ok my little raccoon, you don't have to be scared, they won't judge you either." Techno said softly. I nodded my head and Techno picked me up.

I leaned my head into his shoulder as he walked over to the door.

"First off, why don't you guys come on in and head into the kitchen, then we will talk about Tommy." Techno explained to the other mentally older two.

We all headed into the kitchen, Techno still carrying me. Everyone sat at the table and I was in Technos lap.

"Ok to first can I get an age check baby?" Techno said looking down at me. I tapped his arm twice. He nodded his head and continued.

He had covered the basic stuff of telling them that I was an age regressor and everything.

The two others where happy and accepting of me and Techno had went back into the living room to grab my plate of macaroni.

I let him feed me as I sat in Phil's lap and mindlessly babbled to Wilbur as he pretended to know what I was saying as by now I had slipped to around the age of 2.

At the end of night I had ended up falling asleep with Techno and had him peacefully running his hand through my hair.

A/n- Been meaning to get this one out for a while but enjoy this and I will start to work on some more stuff soon! Requests are always open for this book!

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