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Lil- Ranboo


Request- Nope.

Relationship- Platonic

Nicknames- Bobo(Tubbo) Tom Tom(Tommy) Wilby(Wilbur) Dadza(Phil) Techie(Techno) Mumza(Kristen)

Tw: Pull ups? Accidents

Members- Wilbur Tommy Tubbo Techno Philza Kristen and Ranboo

-Ranboo POV-

I was with the whole sbi and Tubbo for a meet up wew here doing at Phils place in the uk. As all of us other than Techno live here now it was easier for him to fly over to us rather than us go to him.

"Ranboo, hurry up we have a train to catch to get over to Phil's!" Tubbo shouted.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second!" I shouted back from the bathroom. 

"Ran now please! You need to get your bag ready!" Tubbo retorted. I sighed lightly and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked over to where Tubbo was and grabbed my bag, packing it with a bunch of little necessities, such as a paci, stuffy, sippy, and pull ups just in case.

"Hey Ran, sorry for the bit of a rush, I have all your clothes packed in a suitcase with mine, and I put in a bottle and some extra bits if you slip really tiny while there." Tubbo says.

"It's okay, I'm done packing just gotta throw on some shoes." I say to Tubbo. He nods and we head to the door where i put my shoes on.

When I have my shoes on we head out and to Tubbos dads car. Tubbos dad drives us to the train station and we arrive just in time to hop onto the train.

Throughout the ride there Tubbo has his headphones plugged into his phone listening to music, in my case I sit there in between headspaces and trying to focus on sounds around me.

We arrive after about a 4 hour ride in the train and meet Phil out by the station entry. Luckily for us the whole of the sbi knows about my regression as while we were planning this I slipped while on call and Tubbo had to look after me.

Me and Tubbo each had our own backpack on our backs and Tubbo rolling the suitcase.

"Hello Phil!" I shout excitedly towards the man that we all see as a father figure.

"Hey Ranboo, and you too Tubbo! You two ready to hit the road for 40 minutes?" Phil says with a laugh. Me and Tubbo nod and laugh with Phil as we all walk out to Phil's car.

Tubbo sits in the front as to not get car sick and I sit in the back. We make casual conversation on the ride and then end up pulling into Phil's driveway.

By then my head is so fuzzy it's like my brain has turned to mush, but I have to try as hard as I can to stay big! Tubbo grabs our bag again and we head into the house.

When we open the door we instantly get greeted by hugs from Kristen.

We walk into the house and Phil explains where we can put our things so Tubbo brings the suitcase and his backpack upstairs.

I take mine into the living room, setting it right by the couch before getting bombarded with a Tommy hug.

"Hi Tommy." I say before getting loose of the hug.

"Hey Boo, look The Blade is here!" He says as he points to a familiar pinkette on a lounge chair.

For some reason seeing Techno sets me right into headspace and I go quiet and simply wave to Techno. He waves back and I sit down on the couch with Tommy.

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