♡︎Bracelet Making♡︎(Ranboo)

841 23 11

Littles- Ranboo (1-5)

Cgs- Philza + Techno

Irl or SMP- Smp

Tws?- None just fluffy! ♡︎


*^Ranboo POV^*

I felt myself slipping from the moment I had woken up. Today I didn't feel like fighting off the fuzzy feeling surrounding my brain, so I took the really short walk over to Technos cabin to spend the day with him and Phil.

By the time I had knocked on the door I was now in headspace and around the age of three!

"Hello?" A stern monotone voice said as they answered the door.

"Mmm, hewo Techie!" I slurred. The man standing before me with the door open smiled softly.

"Hello Boo" He stated, grabbing my hand and walking me inside.

I smiled and fallowed him inside. 

"So little one, would you like to go change into some comfy clothes, grab a paci and stuffie, make some mac & cheese, and cuddle on the couch?" The pinkette asked as he turned his gaze down to me. 

I nodded my head. "Cans we inwite Papa hewe?" I asked. Techno nodded his head. 

"Yes, Papa will be over soon Boo, now why don't we go and get into some cozy clothes." Techno stated before picking me up in a swift motion and taking me up to the guest room that had become my little room over some time.

Techno had place me on the bed that was in the room and walked over to the dresser in the room. He had opened one of the drawers and pulled out a cow onesie for me and a pig one. 

"What one do you want Boo?" Techno asked as he held up the two onesies side by side. 

"Wan' one dat looks like Techie! Wan' be wike Techie!" I said excitedly. Techno giggled lightly and put the cow onesie back.  

"You old enough to do it by yourself or do you want Techie to help you out a bit?" Techno questioned softly. 

"do it by self!" I responded proudly. Techno nodded his head and gave me the onesie to changer into, before he stepped outside the room and waited in the hall. 

Luckily for me I was able to get the onesie on with minimal struggle. 

"Techie, all done!" I yelled out to the pig hybrid standing outside the door. 

Just seconds later Techno had walked back into the room. He headed back over to the dresser and opened the paci drawer. "What one do you want piglet?" He asked. 

I waddled over to Techno and peaked inside the drawer. "mmmmm, piggy one!" I said. 

Techno nodded and pulled out the pink pacifier that was decorated with a pig and crown charm. Along the handle it had said piglet in pink letter beads.

"why don't we grab a stuffie and an activity to bring downstairs while I cook some lunch and you wait for Papa?" Techno said. I nodded my head, and grabbed my pig stuffie(rightfully named Mx.Piglet), and the bracelet making kit the Phil had gotten a while back for me. 

Techno smiled at me and held my hand as we walked down the stairs. 

Techno had sat me down in the living room, and had put on Amphibia. I sat Mx. Piglet, and myself down on the floor, and Techno walked off to the kitchen to start up a pot of boiling water. 

Techno had come back to the living room and started to help me pick out some beads and cut some string to make bracelets. I picked out pink, red, and gold beads for Techno, forest green, white, and black for Phil, red and white for Tommy, yellow and black for Tubbo, black, white, purple, lime green, and red for myself, and pink, green, and white for Michael. 

Moments after we had cut the string and picked out beads a knock had sounded at the door. "Papa!" I shouted. Techno laughed lightly and ruffled my hair as he stood up to go and answer the door. 

When techno had gone off the the door I had picked out special charms for each bracelet. For Techno and Michael I picked out pigs, for Tubbo I picked a bee, for Tommy I picked out an allium flower, for myself I picked an ender pearl, and for Phil I picked out a crow! 

Phil had walked in the room just as I finished. 

"He little boo!" Phil said. 

"Papa! Hewo Papa!" I squealed. 

Phil laughed lightly and sat down next to me. 

"So what is the little enderman making today?" Phil asked. 

" 'm makin' brac'wets" I responded. Phil hummed and nodded his head. I smiled and started to string beads onto the first of the bracelets. 

As I finished up each one I had turned to Phil and asked him to tie them. 

By the time I had finished the bracelets my paci was in my mouth, Mx. Piglet was in my arms, and I was cuddling with Phil while watching Amphibia. 

"Alrighty little piglet you ready for lunch?" Techno questioned as he walked in the room. I nodded vigorously and Phil had sat up taking me to the kitchen. 

"wai' i forgo' som'in!" I said. 

I ran back to the living room and grabbed the braclets I had made for Phil and Techno. 

"ma'e eese fo oou!" I slurred slipping a little bit younger. 

Techno and Phil both smiled as they took their bracelets. "So was today a bracelet making day boo?" Phil asked. 

I nodded my head. "yesh Papa." I said before sitting down with Techno and Phil. 


A/n- Hope you enjoyed this one, and no there will not be a part two this is a one part story! anyway suggest if you have any and have a wonderful day! Remember to take care of yourself and my dms are always open!

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