*^Im here for you^*(~TechnoBlade~)

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This one was suggested by my lovely Platonic Minecraft Wife! This will be a Techno little space one shot. He will deal with some past trauma while in the prison with Dream.

*^Will include- Panicking, Mentions of past trauma^* 

\\Relationship: Platonic//

#}Little- Techno(1-5) Caregiver-Dream{#

*%Tw:mention of death%*

||Nicknames- Bub, Tech, little one(For Techno)
Buba, Dweamy, Dweam, (For Dream)||

-No one POV- 

Techno was in the prison with Dream and was extremely stressed out. He just wanted to regress but also didn't as he didn't want Dream to see him as some vulnerable little child. Techno started regressing after the L'amanburg wars when he went to live with Philza. Phil was and is his father but Phil himself was stressed, overwhelmed, and angry at the fact that he had to kill his own son. He was to angry to pay attention to his eldest son who had become his youngest as he had started to age regress. Phil would shoo him off anytime he wanted attention from his father or anytime he asked for snacks or milk because he was hungry. Techno had ended up having to take care of himself when he regressed and having to comfort himself. There was times when Phil would get mad at him for crying after having nightmares or not being able to care for himself.

-Techno POV-

All of the loud sounds around me where starting to make me overwhelmed. Every loud sound of doors slamming shut or opening made me think back to when I would regress when Phil was around. Dream was over in his corner just writing away in one of his notebooks. Sam was one of the only other people on the SMP who knew that I regressed and had gotten me most of my stuff and didn't take away my bag that I brought with me. When Sam told Dream I would be visiting him he said that I would be bringing a bag of potatoes with me. It was a stupid excuse of a way to hide my age regression stuff but it worked. I knew that I was set up when I was coming here but I didn't expect Sam to be the one to lock me up. I thought it would be Quakity.

I drifted out my thoughts and back to reality. It was so hot. My clothes were stuck to my body with how sweaty I was but I was also cold in some way. I was so close to braking down right there and regressing. I felt myself slowly fall to the ground. I couldn't hold myself together anymore I started shaking and sobbing lightly.

-Dream POV-

I looked up just as I heard sobs. It was Techno and he was..crying? 'Why is he crying' I thought to myself. I saw him start to shake more violently. I knew that Sam wasn't in the prison and it was Quakity. Sam never slams the doors he only shuts the softly. Quakity slams them as a way to intimidate me that never works. I slowly made my way over to Techno and wrapped my arms around his shaking body. "Shhhhh your ok..."I said to Techno as he leaned into my chest and sobbed. His sons reminded me of when George would age regress and me and Sapnap would take care of him. "Tech are you little right now?.."I said softly. He nodded his head in response to me. "Alright bub and how old do you feel?"I asked him calmly. He shyly held up three fingers. "Oh such a little one huh bub"I said. "Dweamy no u'set?" techno said in his little voice. His voice at first shocked me but I calmed down and laughed a bit. "Why would I be upset little one?" I said to him. "E'cuz Da' say i bot'er 'im" Techno stuttered out as he started to cry softly again. "Hey you don't bother me ok buddy? Now what is in that bag of yours that Sam let you bring."I said. Techno reached over and grabbed his bag handing it to me. Inside he had a pig plush, a couple pacifiers, two blankets, three sweaters, and a few snacks and sippy cups. Luckily for him I was able to sneak some drinks and hide them in my chest in the far corner of the room. I got up and grabbed the apple juice from the chest and put it in one of the sippy ups as he took out his pink pacifier that had a pig and crown on the button. I smiled at how cute it was. "Buba help wiff sweater?"Techno asked. I nodded and took out his pink sweater helping him get it over his head. I turned back and walked to the chest to grab another thing out of it. I looked in it and surly enough found some different colored pens and took out one of the empty note books. I turned back to see Techno now in sweatpants he must had packed as well. "Here Bub you can color with these if you want. Oh and here."I said handing him the juice and the pens and book. He excitedly took the juice and then took the pens and book. He had started to color and then yawned a bit. "You tired little one?" I asked as he nodded his head. I smiled at him as he pulled out his pig plush. "Luv you Dweam..."Techno said as he fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and started humming a song to help him sleep. I had shortly fallen asleep after him as he was still cuddled in my arms.

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