*^Stressful Afternoon^*(Wilbur Soot)

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This one was suggested by no one i just had the idea as well as the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately but i felt like posting something that I could sort of relate to. Also if any of you are wondering I do sort of regress but not to often as I don't have propped things to fully regress but i do plan on getting some stuff in the future. :)

*^Little-Wilbur Caregivers- Techno, Phil, Kristin^*

-Wilbur POV-

I was currently sitting on the bed in Phil's guest bedroom scrolling through some YouTube comments on my last video. I scrolled past a bunch of lovely comments telling me how grate my video was and how grate I was. But the i had to, just had to find some hate comments. Hate doesn't usually bother me that much but my head was already really fuzzy from not slipping the entire time that I have been at Phil's. Techno was here as well. He was visiting us to do a meet up that the fans didn't know about. Techno also knows about my age regression and has been suggesting that I slip as I haven't in over a week because before I came to Phil's I was filming vlogs with Tommy and Tubbo. I denied him though saying that I was fine. And I was but now, well now I wasn't. Right now I was sitting on the bed crying. It wasn't even a lot of people who put hate but it just made me so upset. My head was extremely fuzzy and my soft and silent cries had turned into sobs.

-Techno POV-

I heard sobs coming from Wilbur's room. I quickly got up and started walking towards his room. I opened the door to see him sitting on the bed crying. I reached down to my bag and grabbed out one of Will's pacifiers and handed him his plush that was on the bed. "What's wrong Will?"I asked him in a soothing tone. "D-dey all hwate me"He said as he latched onto me and cried. I could tell he was little at this moment. "Oh baby no one hates you, people on the internet can be trashy sometimes but those people aren't true fans but I promise you the me,Phil, Kristin, and all of our other friends love you for you Wilby."I said to him. He had somewhat calmed at that point. "W-weally?"He asked. I laughed a bit. "Yes little one we love you."I said back as I hugged him. I gave him his pacifier and let him lay in my arms.

"Will baby can you tell me how old you feel?" I asked him. He shyly held up two fingers. "What a sweet little boy."i exclaimed. "May I tell Dadza Phil and Momza Kristin?"I added. He slowly nodded his head. As if on cue Phil walked into the room. "I heard crying is everything- What is going on with Will?"He said. I laughed a bit. "You might want to get Kristin for this one."I said as I rubbed Wilburs back. Phil nodded, left, and then came back with Kristin moments later. "So what's up?"She asked in a calm voice. Wilbur just buried his head into the crook of my neck. I explained to the others in the room what age regression is and that Will uses it to cope with stress and anxiety. Kristin was visibly really exited about this and Phil stood there looking confused but understanding in some way.

Soon enough we had Will sitting on the living room floor playing with Kristin while I thought Phil how to make angels milk. (if you guys don't know what that is it's basically milk with some vanilla and sugar) Once we had successfully made two bottles we put them in the fridge and headed to the living room. "You having fun with Momza Will?"I asked as I laughed a bit at the sight of Will in her lap. He nodded excitedly and made grabby hands to me. I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder. "You seem tired huh little buddy?"Phil said in the most sweet and gentle voice I have ever heard. Will nodded and as Phil sat on the couch so did Will. I smiled lightly at the two as Wilbur cuddled up next to Phil and fell asleep.

I had decided to help Kristin make dinner and as we were talking we decided to check up on Will and Phil. Turns out while we were cooking the two fell asleep together cuddled up on the couch. I laughed a bit at the sight while Kristin quickly grabbed her phone and snapped a picture to most likely tease Phil with later.

*^%#Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry that it took so long to come out I have just not been in the best mental state and was just trying to figure stuff out tbh. I was also busy with stuff surrounding school as I start on Thursday so that mean WEEKEND UPLOADS BABY!! Hah I'm not that exited i would love to post endless content everyday of the week but, i need to do well this year and stuff so uploads will be on Saturday or Sunday.

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