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Lil: Dream

Cg(s): George, Sapnap

Relationship: Thruple

Tw?: accidents, pushing off headspace, pull-ups?

Suggestion?: nope just thought of it! :D

Nicknames: Daddy[Platonic](Sapnap), Papa[Platonic] (George)

-Dre POV-

I was getting myself ready and packing a backpack for the day. Me, George, and Sapnap decided we wanted to go on a road trip.

We planned out a place and everything. My head had been fuzzy for the whole week but I didn't want to be a burden as we where planning out the rout and on the trip in general so I've been pushing headspace off.

I decided on packing a pair of noise canceling headphones, a blanket, sleep clothes, a portable charger, and a blindfold. The headphones and blindfold I packed in case of a sensory meltdown.

I headed downstairs and put my bag in the backseat. Sapnap would be driving, George would be in the passenger seat, and I would be in the back seats.

I headed back inside to get some last minute stuff for the rest of us in the car. As I was packing a cooler bag of snacks I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Sapnap.

"Dream did you pack a little bag?" He asked. I scoffed lightly and shook my head.

"No, I'm not going to be small." I stated, a slight tone of anger to my voice.

"Don't pull a tone with Sappy, Dream!" George yelled from the living room. I rolled my eyes and went back to packing snacks and drinks, hearing Sapnap walk off and start lightly talking to George.

After I had packed the snack bag I put that in the car and headed up to my bedroom to grab my phone, and wallet. I went back down and saw Sap standing by the door.

His face looked a bit angry but still soft. "Not going to give me tone in the car?" He asked in his "Daddy" voice. I shook my head and walked out to the car.

George closed the trunk to the car and headed round to the passenger seat. Sapnap locked up the door to the house and headed into the drivers seat.

"Right so no one needs to use the bathroom before we leave? We have a bit before the first rest stop." He stated. I shook my head and George just answered 'no'.

Sapnap nodded and started the car, driving off shortly after.

Most of the ride consisted of George and Sapnap talking, as I had earbuds in listening to some soft music.

Sapnap had tapped my leg lightly to get me to notice that we had stopped. I was zoned out previously.

"You have to go potty Dream?" Sapnap asked in a soft tone. My face went red.

I wasn't small! Not at all! I was a big boy! "No. And don't call it that I'm not small." I said in another angry tone.

Sapnap nodded gently and headed off with George to the gas station bathroom.

When they where inside I reached into the cooler for another water bottle to drink and I had drank about half of it by the time they came back.

George look at me from the front seat where he was sitting as they both got back into the car. "Dream we have 2 hours before our next stop are you sure you don't have to go? There are no stops at all for another two hours with our rout." George said.

"I said I was fine George." I said grumpily. George nodded and Sapnap started driving.

I had put my music back on and was listening to it contently and had no issues. George and Sapnap where talking about the beach trips that we all where looking forward to as well but also the one at where we where headed to for the next day.

All they where talking about was the water and the waves splashing and crashing against the hot Florida sand.

By that time I had finished my second water bottle and was starting g on my third. George and Sapnap where still having there conversation about the beach and Sapnap had even rolled down the window as we had started to pass a river or something nearby.

When I complained about it Sapnap just said that he was keeping the window open for the sweet beach smell.

I however was heading over the edge. I wasn't far from slipping and I REALLY needed to use the bathroom after practically chugging those waters.

I had myself to focused on being big and being annoyed with the other two about telling me to be small that I hadn't realized the effect my anger would have on me.

I knew that I was slipping and slipping fast but I had to put up my big boy act and hold it until we stopped.

"H-how long until the next stop?.."I asked timidly.

"Another hour, why?" Sapnap asked.

"J-just need a stretch, been sitting for too long." I kind of lied. I did need to stretch but i didn't need to that much. Sapnap nodded and him and George continued conversation.

I pulled out my blanket and covered my lap as I tried desperately to resist the urge to hold myself. "NO! BIG BOYS DON'T DO THAT!"I mentally yelled to myself.

I whined lightly as the urge came stronger. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. M not supposed to be small. Gotta stay big!

George looked back as he heard me whine.

"Dreamy are you sure your ok?" He asked softly. I shook my head and the tears started to fall.

"Awh baby what's wrong?" George asked. I shook my head. It was to embarrassing. I can not say that out loud at all! Even if the two of them are my boyfriends and caregivers, i don't want to fess up.

"Baby, please tell Papa so he can help you." Sap said.

I shook my head. "Don' wanna. Embawassin'" i said softly.

I whined again and started to hold myself under the blanket.

"Baby to you need to go potty?" George asked. I just cried harder and nodded. I wasn't supposed to go small! Was supposed to stay big!

"Oh boy, do you think you can hold it for 45 minutes?" George asked. I shook my head. Truth be told I didn't think I could. Not at all.

"Can you try for me and daddy?" George asked softly. I nodded my head and sniffled.

"Papa packed you a regression bag in the trunk. We can pull that out at the stop if your clothes get ruined." Sapnap explained. I nodded my head whining at the thought.

"P-papa...weally gotta go!" I said softly. "It's okay baby, we are almost there just thirty minutes, just a little while longer!" George said almost sounding a bit nervous.

I just whined more. It had started to become painful.

I felt small spurts of warmth start to leak out. I started to cry again. I couldn't hold it anymore!

"M-m sowed Papa 'n daddy!" I sobbed out as I had felt myself fully wet my pants. I sobbed hard.

Sapnap sighed lightly reassuring me that it was okay, while George tried to confirm me as best he could from the front seat.

When we made it to the stop, George took me into the bathroom helping me change into a new outfit and a pull-up. We headed back to the car and George handed my my weighted stuffed animal and paci. I sat on the other side of the back seats and we had decided just to head home instead and watch movies before heading to bed.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed and I know I haven't been as active with this book as I would have liked to be. I got this idea randomly and I'm a sucker for Dream age regression so have this! One of my best friends just agreed to being my Cg so that's exciting! And I have a good week to look forward to so I'm doing kinda ok right now! Anyway hope to update y'all soon! Bye bye!

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