Just a dream

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Just a dream

Annabelle's pov

I got a strange pulling to walk down a cold dark road I've never seen or been before tonight. I was scared and alone but I knew I had to keep walking no matter how scared I was. I pulled my coat closed and put my hands in my pockets. The more I walked the closer I felt to whatever it was pulling me. I thought about my big brother Adam as I walked. I wondered what he would look like now. What kind of big brother stuff he would have done with me. Before he died he believed my dreams about my Mom and sister that I could only see in my dreams. Dad always said that I was only imagining them but I knew they were real and someday I would find them. Adam hated how grown up he always said I acted. I would love to see him again, tell him I love him again. I keep walking feeling like I knew where I was going, but I never been here ever. I came to a dead end with trees it looked like a park or something. I knew I had to keep walking so I did right into the woods. I put my hands deeper into my pockets it was even colder in the woods.

My legs started to hurt and I was really tired but I knew I had to keep walking. The only other time I felt like this was the night of the fire. I woke up the house was already on fire. I yelled for Adam and Dad but they didn't answer me. I felt the pull to get up out of bed that same pull showed me away to get out the house safely. Whatever was pulling me then is pulling me now and I know I shouldn't stop no matter how tired I was feeling. I've walked for hours not knowing where I was going. I heard noises coming from the woods. I was scared to even look around, I only looked ahead of me as I walked. I wish Adam was here with me to protect me like he always did in the pass. I felt like I was getting closer to wherever I was being pulled to. I heard more noises in the woods behind me. I was to scared to look behind me.

I tripped over a branch, I twisted my ankle and hit my head on a big rock. Blood rolled down my forehead, I wiped it off before I tried to get up but couldn't because my ankle hurt so bad. "What are you doing all alone in the woods" a man, I didn't know asked. He walked to me, he was big and tall. I couldn't see the color of his hair because it was to dark but when he looked down at me I saw his red eyes. I moved back trying to get away from him. The man laughed at me as he walked closer to me. He picked me up by my coat I picked up the rock and hit him on the head with it. He laughed harder then threw me at a tree. A branch from the tree cut my neck. "You smell good" the big man said picking me up. He bit down on my neck causing it to burn. I cried out in pain loud, I saw something moving towards us fast, then I was threw back in the air. I hit my head against a tree again. My dream Mom was standing in front of me blocking the man. The man ran at her, she jumped up and kicked him in the chest. He went flying back and hitting and broke a tree. I didn't understand how she kicked him that hard. He jumped back up leaping at her again this time he punched her in the face and she went flying back. The man walked over to me he picked me up and bit me in the same spot he bit me before. My dream Mom ran over and hit him hard, making him drop me to the ground. She ran over to the man and punched him over and over then she put her hands around his neck and ripped off his head, his body dropped to the floor in front of her. She threw his head to the ground.

My dream Dad came out of no where he ran to my side. My dream Mom ran to me too. She told him to put his hand on my neck. The burning hurt I didn't even feel him touching me. My dream Mom put her mouth over the spot the man bit me and started sucking on my neck like the other man did. She sucked and spit out blood over and over again, the burning started to stop the more she sucked. "Love her heartbeat is to low, I don't think you can save her" my dream Dad said. She stopped sucking then pushed his hand off my neck, she licked the cut on my neck then the 1 on my head. "Her heartbeat is getting stronger" my dream Dad said. I could feel a part of the pull faded but a new pull started and this pull hurt me. My dream Mom picked me up in her arms. "We have to get her home" My dream Mom said then started to run with me in her arms. She ran faster then a car the more she ran the pull stopped hurting. I closed my eyes, I knew I was safe now.

I opened my eyes scared, I was in my bed safe. The closet door opened and my sister walked out. "It was just a dream" Ness said walking over to my bedroom door. After she locked the door she got in bed with me. You okay she thought. "Yes I just don't understand why we are dreaming about that night again" I answered out loud. We've dreamed about that night 5 times since we found out we were moving to Forks a couple weeks ago. "Sleep Anna please" Ness said yawning. I put my arm around her and yawned. "Anna it's only a dream don't let it stress you out" Ness whispered. I know she's right maybe it's just the move. I closed my eyes hoping sleep would find us soon. We have to pack the rest of our things tomorrow morning then we leave in the afternoon to Forks.

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