Our wedding day

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Our wedding day

Isabella's pov

I wasn't nervous or scared at all like I was on Edward and my first wedding. I was just excited this time. I walked out Alice's bedroom holding my red and black flower in 1 hand. Dad was waiting by the door in a blake tuxedo, he looked shocked when he saw me. "You look handsome Dad" I said walking towards him. "You look even more beautiful then you did when you got married the first time" Dad replied looking at me. "Thanks Dad" I said hugging him. He broke the hug and started to walk with me towards the staircase, I put my hand on his arm as we walked. The music changed as soon as we reached the top of the staircase. "You ready kiddo" Dad asked looking at me. "I'm ready" I answered looking at him. We walked down the staircase together at a slow pace. Everyone in the room made a loud gasping sound when they saw us. I looked around at all our friends and family as I walked down the stairs. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I looked at Nessie and Annie they were both crying as I walked with Dad towards them. I looked at Edward and our eyes locked just like they did at our first wedding. He looked gorgeous in his black tuxedo and red shirt with a red and black bow tie. Edward took a step towards me when we reached the top of the aisle, Dad shook Edward's hand then gave him my hand and walked to his seat. "I love you" I said taking a step towards the minister. "As I love you" Edward said then quickly kissed me. "Not yet" the minister jokingly said smiling at us making everyone laugh.

I looked in Edward's eyes as the minister started the ceremony. "The Union of husband and wife is 1 of the heart, mind, and body and is intended by the Lord for their mutual joy, for the help and comfort given to another in the times of prosperity and adversity. The union grows as the couple become 1 in more and more ways on a growing basis as their love for one another expands" the minister said talking loud.

"Isabella and Edward life is given to us as individuals and the first lesson we must learn as a married couple is how to live together with each other. Love is given to us by our family and friends, We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love and learning to live together is 1 of life's greatest challenges. That is the goal of a married life, but the husband and wife should not confuse the love of worldly measures, for even if worldly success is found, only love can hold a marriage together. Mankind did not create love, God created love and teaches it to us. The measure of a true love is 1 given freely and a love that is freely accepted, just as God's love for us is given freely and unconditional, today is a glorious day that God has made as you reaffirm your love and vows for each other. Both of you are blessed with God's greatest gift of all, an abiding and true love of each other, and the reward of a life long companionship that entered your life through the love in your lives. As you travel through this life together remember it was love that got you here, it is love that will continue in your lives, and it is love that will cause this union to endure. I ask that you guard your heart and your love for 1 another, and hold it tightly in your hearts" The minister said reading from his book then he asked me and Edward to join hands.

"Isabella Cullen will you continue to have Edward Cullen as your husband and continue to live in this marriage. Do you reaffirm your love for him, and will you love him, keep him, and honor him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you shall live" the minister asked looking at me. "Yes I do" I answered looking into Edward's eyes.

"Edward Cullen will you continue to have Isabella Cullen as your wife and continue to live in this marriage. Do you reaffirm your love for her, and will you love her, keep her, and honor her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you shall live" the minister asked Edward, Edward was only looking at me. "Yes I do" he said in his velvet voice looking into my eyes. The minister handed Edward a ring. "Edward place the ring on Isabella's finger and repeat the following, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, with all that I am and all that I have I honor you, and with this ring I thee wed" The minister told Edward. Edward repeated every word clear as he put the ring on my finger. The minister gave me Edward's wedding band and I repeated the same vow to Edward putting his ring back on.

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