My Birthday

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My Birthday

Isabella's pov

Nessie looked a little upset when she came into the house. I hoped nothing happen to upset her to much. Edward told me he was going out hunting with the guys, I didn't really believe him but he wasn't home for me to ask him what happen. I walked up the staircase with 2 vanilla strawberry milkshakes both of the girls smiled when I walked into the living room. "Hi Mom" Nessie and Anna greeted me. "Hey" I replied sitting on the couch between them. They both took a glass out of my hand smiling at me. "You ready to tell me what happen now that you got to take a shower and have a milkshake" I asked looking at Nessie. "I paid for dinner without asking and Mike Newton got mad and I got mad so I left before I said or did anything I might regret" Nessie explained then took a sip of her milkshake. "He was just jealous that this boy Chase liked Ness and Ness liked Chase" Anna added smiling at Nessie. I knew the day would come when they might like someone, I just always assumed it would be Jake and Embry. "A boy" I said smiling at Nessie. "He wants to know if she is allowed to date" Anna said smiling at me. "The boy that Anna likes Lucas wants to know too" Nessie said blushing. "Me and your father are fine with you dating anyone you like but if they are human you have to be careful" I replied looking from Annie to Nessie. "Jake is your best friend and you love Embry too, I thought you might not let us date because we are their imprints" Nessie nervously said.

I never wanted my daughters to feel like they couldn't talk to me about anything. "That doesn't mean you have to love them back in that way, your my daughters and your the most important people in my life and I would never take away your choices, you are both free to date anyone you want but your father and I would like to meet them before you do" I said looking from Annie to Nessie. "They will get mad if we do" Annie said looking at me. "Your father and I both told them years ago that if ether of you decided you wanted to date or fell for someone else that was your choice and they have to respect it and if they didn't then we won't let them be apart of your life any longer, you didn't ask to be their imprints and nobody will be upset if things doesn't work out the way they want them too, your 17 years old your going to start having feelings for boys and that's normal and natural" I explained in a caring voice. "Thanks Mom" Nessie and Annie replied smiling at me. "Don't thank me for being your mother" I replied smiling, they both smiled back at me. "You really think Daddy will be fine if we do want to date someone" Annie asked. I love when they call Edward Daddy and not just Dad or me Mommy and not Mom, they don't do that much anymore not since they got older. "I'll deal with your father and your uncles" I answered and laughed a little, they both laughed too. "I think you girls need to go to sleep it's almost midnight and you got school tomorrow" I told them both looking at the clock that read 11:58. "Can you tell us a story" they both asked looking at me. "Come on" I said getting up. They both followed behind me as I walked down the hallway. "Who's bed" I asked. "Mine" Annie answered. I walked in her bedroom and sat on the end of the bed.

They both went to the closet they were both already in pajamas so I didn't understand what they had to get out the closet. They both came back with their hands behind their backs. I was completely confused to they both smiled and said "Happy Birthday Mommy" happily smiling at me. I was hoping nobody would remember my birthday but I knew it wouldn't happen that way, they never let it happen that way. They sat down next to me and they both kissed me on my cheek. "Here Mom" Annie said handing me a very small gift bag. I shook my head at her as I opened the bag and took out the little black gift jewelry box, I opened the lid to find a beautiful bracelet it looked like 4 bracelets wrapped around each other in gold in the middle was 2 big hearts linked together with me and Edward's birthstones hanging in the middle of the hearts and 2 little hearts with the girls birthstones linked on each side of the bigger hearts. "I love it" I said looking up to Annie then kissed her cheek. Nessie gave me another little bag smiling at me. I smiled and took the bag from her, I took out the little black jewelry box. I opened the lid to the longer wider box to find a matching necklace it looked like 4 necklaces wrapped around each other with the same 4 hearts linked together. "I love it so much" I said looking up at Nessie then kissed her on the cheek. "We got help from Daddy" they both told me together. I should have known Edward would have helped them he's a trader. "They are beautiful and I love them" I replied smiling at them both. "Mom you can go down stairs with Dad" Nessie told me with a smile. "I can tell you a story still" I replied. "It's okay Mom we are tired" Annie replied getting in her bed. "I love you, good night girls" I said getting up, they both smiled as I walked out the bedroom.

I walked downstairs faster then a human, Mom was already sleeping but I wasn't in a rush to get anywhere in a hurry. Edward was sitting on the couch when I came out the door. "Happy birthday love" he said smiling at me. "Thank you" I replied smiling at him. "Will you come with me somewhere" he asked getting up. "Yes I'll call the main house and let them know the girls are here with Mom alone" I answered him. "I've already told them" he replied holding out his hand, I smiled and put my gifts down on the table and took his hand. We ran out the house together at vampire speed after all these years I still loved the feel of running fast with the wind in my hair as I ran. After we ran for a few miles I knew where he was taking me to our meadow our special place. He stopped running about a mile from our meadow he pulled out a handkerchief. I looked at him like he was crazy and shook my head no before he could ask. "Please love" he said with his dazzling smile that I couldn't say no to. "Fine" I said defeated looking at him. He smiled and put the handkerchief over my eyes and picked me up and took off running.

I could smell orange blossoms, white freesias, roses, lilacs as Edward ran towards the meadow but them smells didn't belong there. Edward stopped running and took something out his pocket before he put me down on something soft, I could smell metal and silk. I was confused but I waited patiently for him to tell me to take off the handkerchief, I heard him moving around the meadow then I heard him come back to me. "You can take it off love" Edward whispered. I uncovered my eyes and my mouth dropped open. There was flowers everywhere and lights hanging from the trees and I was on a bed that looked like the bed in Edward's old bedroom even the blanket looked the same. "It's beautiful" I whispered truly surprised and so happy looking around. "You did all this for me" I asked looking at him now. "Yes" he answered with a small smile. "The bed looks just like" I said and stopped when I saw the missing metal flower that Edward broke all them years ago. "This is the bed" I whispered even more shocked. He nodded and smiled at me.

I looked around the meadow everything was perfect. I watched as Edward picked up my hand and stood in front of me. "Isabella Marie Cullen you agreed to marry me once before on this bed, that was the happiest day of my life up to that point" he said smiling at me, that explained the bed being here. "We have been married for 17 amazing happy years since then, we share 2 beautiful fantastic daughters, I never dreamed I could be this happy I have my own family a career I love and a life I love living because of you, but now that our family no longer goes to school we haven't needed to get married again" he said looking into my eyes as he took off my wedding band then got down on 1 knee in front of me. I put my other hand over my mouth as I looked down into his beautiful green eyes. "I love you even more since the day you agreed to marry me, I am on my knee today on your birthday, hoping that you will agree to renew your vows of marriage and your commitment to me, Isabella please marry me again" Edward asked in his beautiful velvet voice. I got down on my knees with him and kissed him as passionately as I could. He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes lovingly. "Yes I'll marry you again" I whispered then kissed him again this time he picked me up not breaking the kiss and laid me on the bed. I told him once before if we ever got married again I wanted a winter wedding that I had some say in. Our wedding was perfect the first time but Alice did everything, I want to help plan this wedding for me and Edward. This time I'm marrying him as his equal in front of our daughters, this wedding seemed to be needed and I just realized it.

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