The truth

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The truth

Renesmee's pov

I woke up in my new bedroom but I fell to sleep on the couch. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Anna was doing the same thing. We meet up in our huge beautiful closet. "I hope we can go see grandpa Charlie today" I said pulling down my blue dress. Me too Anna thought with the same dress in green. We both graded shoes to match our dress then did our hair fast putting on very little makeup. I could smell Mom or Dad cooking eggs and bacon. We walked down to the kitchen together Mom was in the kitchen cooking. "Good morning mother and father" I said walking to the kitchen. "Good morning girls" Mom replied putting eggs and bacon on toast. "Good morning girls" Dad replied taking out 2 small bottles of orange juice. Mom wrapped our food in foil then put it in a bag with 2 glazed donuts. "Okay it all ready" Mom said confusing us. "You want to go see Charlie and Sue don't you" Dad asked by the front door. We both said "Yes" at the same time. Our phones and pockerbooks we both thought. "Got it" Dad said running up to our upstairs at vampire speed. Mom walked to the front door we followed behind her. There was a new bridge built to cross the creek. I guess it's for grandma and other humans. Me Mom and Anna all jumped over the creek together then ran to Dad's Suv parked outside the garage. I couldn't hear anyone at all in the main house.

Mom unlocked Dad's car doors for us to get in. "Where's everyone at" I asked. "Carlisle went to the hospital with Esme, Alice and Rose wanted shopping in Port Angeles the guys went with them" Mom explained passing us our breakfasts. Dad came running to the car a second later carrying our pockerbooks in his hand. Dad started the car and drove off. I took my food out the bag biting my sandwich right away. Dad passed us our juice as he drove. "What time did you carry us to bed" I asked. "Around 3 in the morning" Mom answered without looking at us. "I didn't even feel you carrying me" Anna said then drank some of her juice. "We are good" Mom jokingly replied. It was the truth even if she was joking Mom and Dad carry us to bed all the time without us feeling it. Mom put on the radio holding Dad's free hand. After 18 years of being together Mom and Dad are still so in love. I hope when I find the man I'm going to marry he loves me the way Dad loves Mom.

Dad parked in grandpa Charlie's driveway. Grandpa Charlie opened the front door with a big smile on his face. "Grandpa" me and Anna called walking over to him at a fast human speed. "My grandbabies" grandpa replied then hugged us both. "Look at you girls all grown up" grandpa said kissing our heads. Grandma Sue came to the door. "You girls get more beautiful every time we see you" Grandma said with a big smile. Grandpa let us go then walked towards Mom, Grandma hugged us both and kissed our cheeks. "I've missed you both so much" Grandma said looking at each of us. "We missed you too" I replied. "Come sit with me I want to know how you been" Grandma said pulling us with her to the couch. Mom and Dad came in with Grandpa and joined us. Grandma hugged them both then sat back with us. Mom and Dad sat next to us. "So Bella, girls tell me how you been" Grandpa said deliberately leaving Dad out, me and Anna both hate it but Dad says it's fine. Grandpa never forgave Dad for leaving Mom all them years ago. "We are good Dad the girls start school next week at Forks high, we start at the hospital when they start school everything is great" Mom answered smiling at him. "And you said that everyone thinks the twins are 15 not 16 years old right" Grandpa asked. "Yes they are 15 to the pubic but will be 16 on their real birthday in a couple weeks" Mom explained. "Got it" grandpa replied.

Grandpa looked so happy to see us. Grandma wanted to feed us I guess taking care of your grandchildren is just something that grandmothers naturally do. "My little girl a doctor" Grandpa said proudly looking at Mom. Dad smiled at Mom just as proud. "I couldn't have done it without Edward, he has always been very supportive of me" Mom replied looking at Dad. "Not so much when he broke your heart by leaving you" Grandpa whispered to himself. Me and Anna both got mad fast, Mom bit her tongue. "That doesn't matter anymore" Mom whispered to low for grandma or grandpa to hear. "Girls it's fine" Dad whispered to us. "What's new in Forks Dad" Mom asked. "The Cullen's and the Swan girl moved back to town, last year another family moved to town too Mr.and Mrs Stone and their 2 sons they are around the same age as the girls maybe older" Grandpa replied. "She is a Cullen too Dad and I heard the same thing so it most be true" Mom jokingly replied. Dad looked upset but quickly hid it when he saw us look at him. "Still don't know why you married him" grandpa whispered again.

I stood up that was enough. "Renesmee sit down now" Dad snapped at me. Anna stood up with me. "Enough girls now" Dad snapped again. "Don't talk to them like that" Grandpa snapped at Dad. "That's it Grandpa we are sick of it, and he is our father he can't talk to us however he chooses too" I snapped at grandpa for the first time in my life. "Sick of what" grandpa asked confused. "Grandma he will be protected by the La Push pack as your husband right" Anna asked looking at her. "Yes and it's time he knows the truth" grandma answered. "Girls no" Dad snapped again. "Grandpa daddy left to protect Mom he was in just as much pain as Mom was but he did what he thought was right" I said looking at him. "You can't keep punishing him for something Mom forgive him for years ago, let it go Dad is always respectful to you and you treat him poorly" Anna said looking at him. "Okay that's enough now" Mom said pulling on us both.

Grandpa looked confused. "No Bella Sue is right it's time, you tell me your a vampire" grandpa said shocking us all even Dad and Sue. "You know" Mom asked confused. "Yes Billy told me after I married Sue" grandpa announced. "Then why haven't you said anything" Mom replied still shocked. "Don't ask, Don't tell remember" grandpa answered looking at Mom. "But you never think about it around us" Dad replied confused. "Billy told me not too" Grandpa replied. "Then you know I can read minds" Dad asked still confused. "You can what" grandpa asked surprised. "Billy didn't tell you" Mom asked. "No after he told me you were all vampires that don't kill humans I didn't ask anything else he told me not to think of it around you all that was the only time we ever talked about it" grandpa explained looking at Mom "I know the girls are half human that's it" he added at the end looking at us.

We were all quiet for a couple of minutes. "Now why don't you tell me why I shouldn't hate your father for hurting your mother" grandpa said breaking the silence. "Mom figured out Dad was a vampire from Jake before she and Dad became a couple but she didn't care because Dad saved her life 2 times already" I started with. "What saved her life how" grandpa asked cutting me off. "Dad remember when Tyler almost hit me in the parking lot at school" Mom asked. "Yes I give him hell at work over it every chance I get for it still" grandpa said with a smile. "When I told you Edward saved me I wasn't lying he saw the van about to hit me in Alice's vision he ran over to me at our speed and basically covered me and took the hit by the van himself, he put his whole family at risk for me" Mom explained looking at grandpa. "Then when I went to Port Angeles with Jessica and Angela Weber, I went off on my own to find a book store but got lost in a dark street alone some drunk guys started to mess with me, I didn't know it but Edward was following me and when he heard what the guys were thinking about doing to me he saved me again" Mom went on saying. "You followed her" grandpa asked surprised. "Yes sir you see Bella was always getting herself in harms way, I was very protective of her but she didn't know I stayed away but like Bella said when I heard what them animals were thinking of doing I had to protector her" Dad explained. "Then how could you hurt her like that" grandpa asked confused.

"Hold on Dad there is more that you need to know to understand" Mom explained looking at him. "Go on girls" Mom said looking at us. "When Mom was human she smelled good to vampires, the night Mom went to play baseball with the rest of our family this crazy coven of human blood drinking vampires tried to attack Mom but our family protected Mom from them but the leader James wanted Mom bad and wasn't going to give up to he killed her that's why Mom told you all the stuff when she came home that night" Anna explained. "Mom didn't mean any of it at all, she cried because she hurt you by saying them horrible things to you, Grandpa you have no idea how much it hurt Mom to hurt you but she had to keep you safe" I explained cutting Anna off.

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