Meeting the Stone's

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Meeting the Stone's

Renesmee's pov

Me and Anna were nervous as we listened to the Stone's walk towards the cottage, Dad and mom walked out the door in kitchen without grandma knowing they did. We listened as they walked around the cottage. "Hello I'm Edward Cullen, this is my wife Isabella Cullen our daughters are in the house Renesmee and Annabella" we heard Dad greet them. "Hello thank you for coming please call me Bella" Mom greeted them nervously. "Hello Bella and Edward, I am Nathan Stone, my wife Gabrielle and our sons Liam and Adam" Nathan greeted them back kindly. "Thank you for having us and please call me Ella" Ella replied it sounded like she was nervous too. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cullen" Adam and Liam said together sounding nervous too. "Hello Adam and Liam and just call us Edward and Bella" Dad replied in a warm voice. "Thank you" they replied together, they are like us in a lot of ways. "Your welcome, we came out here to meet you because Bella's mother is living here with us, she doesn't know what we are and we told her we already knew you" Dad explained to them. "That's fine we will go along with it" Nathan replied to him. "We'll go back in the house by the other door would you mind knocking" Mom asked. "You can read minds too, and your a shield" Dad said in a surprised voice. "Yes your the same only Bella is the shield" Ella replied. "Yes" Dad replied still surprised. "We don't mind knocking, seems like we have a lot to talk about" Ella told them. "Thank you" Mom replied. A second later there was a knock on the front door. "We have it" me and Anna called getting up from the couch.

I opened the door, Ella had long dark black curly hair with the same blue eyes Adam and Liam both had, her face was flawless and perfect, her body was perfect to she was about mom's height and weight she was beautiful. Nathan was tall and muscular, he had brown hair and eyes his face was perfect he was gorgeous, Adam and Liam got their nose and strong jaw line and chin from him and their height and built from him, Adam and Liam looked like them both only somehow more gorgeous then them. "Hello Renesmee and Annabella" Nathan greeted us smiling. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Stone" we replied together in a sweet tone. "How many times have we asked you to call us Ella and Nathan" Ella replied smiling at us. "Yeah you acted like this is the first time your meeting her" Liam replied hugging me, I laughed and hugged him back as Anna hugged Adam. "Please come in" Anna told them after she broke the hug. "Your both absolutely beautiful" Ella whispered to us. "Thank you" we whispered back. They all walked in the house together Adam hugged me and Liam hugged Anna quickly. "Grandma Renee this is Gabrielle, her husband Nathan and their 2 sons Adam and Liam Stone this is Renee Dwyer our grandmother" I said introducing everyone. "Hello Mrs. Dwyer it's very nice to meet you" Nathan greeted her. Grandma looked surprised, liked she hasn't been around our whole family of beautiful vampires. "Call me Renee it's nice to meet you too" Grandma said smiling at them from the couch. "Grandma, Ella and Mom are old friends as is Dad and Nathan" Anna lied. "That's nice they are both in the kitchen cooking dinner" Grandma told them. "We will go help them" Ella told us then her and Nathan walked to the kitchen to find Mom and Dad.

I was so happy to see Adam and Liam. We all sat on the couch with grandma together. "I'm going to go lay down for awhile" Grandma told us getting up. "It was very nice meeting you Mrs.Dwyer" Adam and Liam both told her smiling. "Just call me Renee and it was nice meeting you too" Grandma replied walking out the living room. I picked up Molly from the floor in front of me, she was jumping on my feet and wagging her tail. I put her down on my lap she laid down putting her head on my knee. "What's it's name" Adam asked petting her. "Her name is Molly" I answered smiling at my puppy. "Molly is beautiful" Adam replied still petting her. Holly ran over to Anna wagging her tail happily. "Who is this" Liam asked picking up Holly. "This is my baby girl Holly" Anna answered petting her head. "She is beautiful" Liam replied putting Holly down on his lap. "We got them for our birthday they are sisters the only 2 in a litter" I told them petting Molly's head. "Can I hold her" Adam asked petting her. "Yes" I answered picking her up and passing her to him. "Hello beautiful" Adam said putting Molly down on his lap. Mom Dad and Ella and Nathan came out the kitchen together. "Girls why don't you go upstairs with Adam and Nathan to watch a movie when we get to know each other better" Mom suggested smiling at us. "Okay Mom" Anna said getting up from the couch. Me Anna Adam and Liam got up together. "Nessie and Annie" Dad called before Anna opened the door. "Yes Dad" we both replied looking at him. "I'll be listening" Dad told us tapping his forehead with his finger. "Daddy" we both snapped together shaking our heads. "Don't worry they know I'll be listening too" Ella told us smiling at her sons. "Mom" Adam and Liam snapped. All 4 of our parents were laughing at us. Anna just open the door, he can't help it I thought looking at Dad. "Your my daughters" Dad replied walking over to the couch. "What" Mom asked as we all walked upstairs. "Nessie thinks I can't help being overprotective" Dad explained. "Nether of you can" me and Anna both called together, making them all laugh again.

We lead Adam and Liam into our living room they were still holding Molly and Holly. "Please make yourself comfortable this is our part of the house" I told them walking to the love seat and sat down, Anna sat on the couch. Adam sat down next to me, Liam picked up the remote and sat down on the couch next to Anna. Liam petted Holly and flipped through the channels. "This is very nice it's real roomy" Adam told us looking around. "Yeah Mom finally gave us a little privacy when we moved to Forks" Liam added. I smiled I guess both of our parents understand that we aren't kids anymore and need some space to be ourselves. "Your mother is beautiful" I told them both looking at the television. "Thank you so is yours you both looked a lot like her" Liam replied. "Just more beautiful" Adam added not looking at ether of us. All big brothers find their little sisters beautiful, it's nice he still loves Anna so much still. Liam found some movie I've never seen before on. I rested my head on the back of the couch and watched the movie. I heard Ella explain everything Adam and Liam explained to us earlier. "Adam is your biological son" Dad asked surprised, Uncle Emmett, me and Anna all told him that at school earlier. "Yes he's our biological son" Ella answered. "I knew Annie was mine not that this changes anything but I knew it" Mom said sounding happier then she has in a long time. "Do you having living family, we only know that Adam is Ella's biological son, if you have living relatives you can do a DNA test" Nathan told Dad. "That's not true Adam and Liam have the same biological jeans he is your son" Ella replied in warm voice. I looked over at Adam he was looking at Anna they both had the same looked on their faces but it was Anna's thoughts that had me worried, I'm not really their real daughter and when they find that out for sure they won't love me the same was what she was thinking.

I looked at Liam he was looking at Adam like I was looking at Anna, Adam must be thinking the same things. "I don't care if Adam is my biological son or not he is my son, I have loved him from day 1 he is mine, I'm only telling you as a doctor I don't have any living relatives I am over 130 years old" Nathan explained. "Adam knows how much I love him and that couldn't change even if I knew he wasn't my biological son" Nathan added in sure and loving voice. I took Adam's hand without thinking about it, I wanted to comfort him. Adam smiled at me and held my hand back. "I am just as old with no living family but my Dad took some from me before he changed me and he took some from my parents before they died in 1917, we also have blood from Bella but like you it won't change anything, Annie is my daughter no different then Nessie, we will only run the test if she wants to I don't need proof that's why we never did it before" Dad replied. Me and Anna didn't know they didn't want to know, Anna has always wondered in the back of her mind. Your going to do it aren't you I thought looking at her. Yes I need to know Ness but you know it won't change anything at all she answered in thought looking back at me. I was scared and that's all I thought about for the rest day and dinner as much as we loved Anna she might not love us if she isn't my biological sister, I felt bad for not talking much to anyone while they were at our house but I was terrified Anna might not love me any more and I couldn't think about anything else but that even after she promised it wouldn't happen.

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