But how

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But how

Annabella's pov

2 and a half months later

Ness, Alyssa and I had to go to work right after school. We only have a few more weeks and school will be done for the year. Aunt Alice and Aunt Rose think it's important for us to enjoy our summer with our friends they have told us they will let us make our own work schedule. Alyssa gets paid by salary and not by the hours she works. Alyssa only works 3 or 4 days a week and gets paid as much as Kelly. Liam, Adam and Blake come with us the days we work, they stay in the back watching tv or playing 1 of the PlayStation 3 or X-box games. Liam and Adam feel uncomfortable leaving us unprotected at work so Mom and Aunt Alice made them a man cave, our family feels better because they know we are protected at work. I think it was their way of saying thank you to the guys. I loved having the guys at work with us when we aren't busy we get to hang out with them.

When we got to the store Kelly had big piles of clothes on a table behind the counter. "Hey Kelly" we greeted her. "Hey" Kelly said with a big smile. We all walked to the back of the store to put our stuff away. The guys kissed us then headed to their man cave. We walked back out to the front of the store, Kelly was putting the pile of shirts on hangers. "I need a big favor from the 3 of you" Kelly said looking at us. "What is it" I asked. "I was hoping you would cover for me next Saturday it's my little sister's birthday and I'll work this Saturday all day" Kelly said looking a little nervous. We usually only work every other Saturday and only in the afternoon for a few hours. "I don't mind" Alyssa answered first. We didn't have anything planned that I knew of that Saturday. "Sure we can work next Saturday" Ness answered for us both. "Thank you so much" Kelly said smiling at us. Kelly told us what Aunt Rose asked her to do today then she left.

We turned the music up a little as the 3 of us put the shirts on hangers and put them on racks. Grandpa Charlie walked in the store carrying 2 bags, he was in his uniform. "Hello Chief Swam" I said smiling at him. "Hi Grandpa" Ness said as we both hugged him. "I'm Chief Swam today Annabella" Grandpa asked after we broke the hug. "Your always Chief Swam Grandpa" I answered with a smile. "I'm just Grandpa to you young lady" Grandpa said smiling. "Yes you are Grandpa" I replied. "Hi Alyssa" Grandpa added. "Hi Charlie" Alyssa replied smiling at him. Alyssa is the only 1 of our friends allowed to call Grandpa by his name. "What's in the bags" Ness asked smiling. Grandma Sue sends us treats all the time and usually Grandpa drops them off to us. It's another way for Mom and Dad to check on us. "Your grandma made you and the boys a strawberry shortcake, I stopped to get you some ice cream from the diner, are the boys in the back" Grandpa asked looking around the store. Like he didn't already know the answer to his question. "They are in their man cave with Blake" I answered. Grandpa worries about us a lot too and he knows that the guys and their family are vampires and he feels better knowing we are protected. Grandpa really likes Nathan and the guys they go do all kinds of stuff together on the weekends.

Grandpa walked to the counter then took 3 cups of ice cream out a bag then took out 3 throwaway bowls covered with foil from the other bag, he put spoons and napkins down on the counter. "I can share mine with Blake" Alyssa said as we walked towards the counter. " He has his own, I'm the Chief of police I always know where and who is with my granddaughters when their in town" Grandpa said then winked at me and Ness. This wasn't any new news to me or Ness and it didn't upset us at all. "Thank you" Alyssa said with a smile. "Your welcome" Grandpa said walking to the back of the store. "Have we worked 1 day and someone in your family hasn't brought us something to eat" Alyssa asked then put some ice cream in her mouth. "No we haven't they all work together on making us fat" I jokingly said. Alyssa and Ness laughed as we sat and ate. Ness has had a bad feeling all day so seeing her laughing was good. Grandpa came back out smiling. "I'll see you girls on Sunday" Grandpa said then kissed me and Ness. Since Grandma Renee passed me and Ness spend all day every Sunday with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Charlie then we all have dinner together. "Tell Grandma thank you for us" me and Ness said together. "Will do" Grandpa called walking towards the door. "Love you Grandpa" me and Ness said together. "I love you too girls" he replied then walked out the door.

After our ice cream and cake we went back to putting the clothes on the racks. Embry and Jake walked in the store just as we got done, there were a few customers in the store. After Embry and Jake helped us and started to go get therapy with Dad we let them back in our lives a little. Liam and Adam don't really like it and don't want us spending anytime with them alone at all. "Hey beautiful" Jake said walked in first greeted Ness. "Hey cutie" Embry greeted me. "Hey" me and Ness greeted them back. They both hugged us tight, to tight for me or Ness's liking just as we were going to break the hug Liam and Adam walked into the front of the store. "You can stop hugging my girlfriend and Annie now" Adam said in cold hard voice. "And if you want to keep hanging out with them call them by their names" Liam added in a cold voice. Me and Ness broke the hugs and looked at Liam and Adam who looked mad. "It was just a hug" Jake said sounding normal. "That's not how you hug just a friend that's my girlfriend you need to start respecting that" Adam snapped. "I don't see the big deal in hugging our friends and calling them nicknames" Embry said nonchalant. "The big deal is the way you hug them and cutie and beautiful aren't nicknames, like my brother said they are our girlfriends if they wanted to be with you they would be respect that" Liam snapped angrily, the customers in the store were looking at us. "Jake and Embry can you please go this isn't the place for this conversation" Ness said looking at them. "Sure Ness we'll see you later" Jake said then kissed her forehead. "Bye Annie" Embry said then kissed my cheek and left. I didn't have to look at Liam and Adam to know they were beyond mad as they walked to the back again.

Me and Ness were upset, we were going to let Embry and Jake know they were being inappropriate ourselves. "Alyssa will you be okay up here by yourself for a few minutes" I asked trying to sound normal. "We need to make sure the guys aren't to mad at us" Ness added. "Yeah I'll be fine" Alyssa answered smiling, she knew we wouldn't be long. Me and Ness walked to the back room. "Can we talk to you both in the back of the store" I asked. Liam and Adam got up and followed us out the back door. As soon as we walked out the door me and Ness got so angry at them out of nowhere. "What was that about" I snapped mad. "I can't believe you just did that" Ness snapped. "They had no right hugging you like that" Liam answered surprised at our reaction. "Or calling you beautiful and cutie when they know you have boyfriends" Adam replied. "Your acting like they use too" I snapped. "You know how much we hated that we were going to tell them they were being inappropriate" Ness snapped getting more mad. "We know how to handle them we don't need your help" I added mad. "It didn't look like you were handling it to us" Liam snapped at us. "Your mad at us because we don't like them having their hands all over you" Adam snapped at us. We were getting more mad each time they said something we have never been so mad at them before. "I'm so sick of being jealous" Liam said more to himself then us. "If it's not the boys at school it's Jacob and Embry your their imprint they are in love with you and you both defend them even against us" Adam said running his fingers in his hair. They both knew what they were getting into before we started a relationship with them and now it's like they are surprised or don't want to deal with it. "I'm not doing this anymore you should trust us but you don't" Ness said with so much anger in her voice. "What are you saying" Adam asked looking at her. "That we won't deal with this anymore" I answered harsh. "Really" Liam asked low. "Just go we'll call someone to pick us up" I said angry. "You want us to leave" Adam asked looking at Ness. "Yes" Ness snapped. "Fine we'll go" Adam said speaking low. "Call someone as soon as you go back in please" Liam said then they both walked down the ally away from us. Me and Ness watched them to they turned the corner then it was like all the anger was gone and we burst into tears.

This has been the worst argument we ever had with them, over the last couple months we got into little arguments over Embry and Jake but it was never like this. "Do you think they will come back if we call them" Ness asked after about 5 minutes of crying. "I hope so" I answered pulling her into a hug. Her whole body went steel and she stopped crying after a minute into the hug. I pulled away from her she was staring straight a head at something behind me, with all the color out of her face and she looked beyond scared. Then I felt something or someone behind me, I slowly turned around. I couldn't believe he was standing there looking at me he looking just like I remember. "Can you see the hooded guy and all the vampires" Ness asked low. "Yes it's Kevin" I whispered scared. He had at least 10 vampires with him. "Dad to you my little Annabella" Kevin replied looking at me. "But how are you here your dead" I asked as Ness and me both reached out our hands for each other. Just as our hands locked together wind started to blow hard. Kevin looked surprised then he tossed 2 bags of something at us, it all happen so fast, black smoke came out the bags and I felt dizzy then everything around me went black. Ness was right about her bad feelings this morning and all day, we lost our boyfriends, Kevin my first Dad turned out to be the hooded guy and now he has done something to us.

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