The meadow part 2

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I was confused but somehow I knew not to push the subject. "Our special connection is why I'm able to come to you, last time I needed you and Annie to eat so I waited to you were dreaming together to come, Adam is the 1 who has that connection with his Grandpop" Grandma explained. I wanted to know more but I didn't push it, Grandma did say she couldn't tell me anymore about it and I was just happy to be here with her. "Okay what do you want me to pass on" I asked smiling at her.

"Tell your Mom she is still my greatest joy, tell her I'm not upset at her for not telling me she was a vampire, tell her she was right all them years ago when she and Edward talked, I made the choices that made me happy and I'm glad she made the choice that made her happy, I'm not mad at her for the years we were apart, I'm just happy that she is happy, tell her it's not that simple and she made the right choice for me if she made the other choice it wouldn't have been good, I was meant to die so I could come to you like this, tell her I'm with Phil and I'm happy as long as she is, her grandparents are all proud of her too we are all looking after you all, most of all tell her I love her and she has to let go of me too, holding on to the pain won't bring me back, I hate seeing her, you and Annie in so much pain" Grandma said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Tell her I'm with her always but it's time to let me go so I can be at peace and so can she, tell her to keep both of her promises to me and I will be watching her to make sure she does" Grandma said looking down at me as she rubbed my head. I nodded my head at her.

"Now you get to meet someone who loves you" Grandma said pulling me up. Then there was a lady I've never seen before, she looked like Dad, the lady had Dad's green eyes and our bronzed hair. "Hi my darling I'm your grandma Elizabeth Masen I've been waiting for you and Annie to be born for a very long time, you and your sister are beautiful just like my Edward and your mother, please call me Grandma too" Grandma Masen said. "Your really Daddy's Mom" I asked confused. "Yes I am and your Grandmother, may I have a hug please" Grandma Masen asked. "Yes" I said with fresh tears. She hugged me tight, I hugged her back crying, she kissed my cheeks and forehead. "I've waited so long to hold you" Grandma Masen said crying too. "I can't believe I get to meet you, Dad loves you so much" I cried hugging her still. "I love him too" she replied then broke the hug. "I saw your first kiss tonight, Adam is a fine young man even if he is listening and watching us, Liam as well is a fine young man, I'm glad Adam has admitted his feelings for you, you mustn't be upset with him he believed that he was protecting you" Grandma Masen explained with a smile. "But you young lady shouldn't sneak out the house your just like your father was" Grandma Masen said looking at me. "Liz she just a kid" Grandma Renee said smiling at me. "Yes but she mustn't sneak out the house you could get hurt Bella was right it's dangerous, your father was the same way always out his bedroom window and he thinks I didn't know better, your just as foolish as him" Grandma Masen said making me laugh at her. "I want you to pass a message along for me as well my foolish girl" Grandma Masen said looking at me with a big smile. "Anything Grandma" I replied smiling at her. She kissed my cheek, "I love hearing you call me that" she said looking at me. "I like calling you that" I replied smiling at her. "Come let me rub your head as Renee did" Grandma said patting her lap. I laid down with my head on her lap, she started to rub my head, Grandma Renee took my hand in hers.

"I found out what Carlisle was in a dream, I knew Carlisle needed to save Edward from that dream and I desperately wanted my son to be saved, it was all supposed to happen, tell him he still has his soul and God is still listening to him, God forgives him as long as he keeps walking down the road he is on now, he has forgiven him because his love and faith in God is more then he let's you see and my Edward doesn't want to do wrong, Edward isn't the monster that he believes he is, tell my dear boy to forgive himself as God has" Grandma Masen said with tears rolling down her cheeks, I could see Dad thinking bad of himself hurt her. "Tell him I listen to him and watch over him, I love him very much, I am very proud of the man he has become, he is a wonderful father to my beautiful granddaughters, your grandfather was a good man and a good husband but he wasn't the father Edward deserved, I so desperately wish I could have changed that, I am very pleased that Edward followed behind Carlisle in so many ways, he is a great husband to my beautiful daughter in law" Grandma Masen said smiling proud. "Tell my dear Bella I said thank you for loving my son so deeply the way she does, tell her Edward got the story confused about my ring but I'm glad he did I always wore that ring because it was my mother's it's has been passed down from mother to daughter for many years before my mother gave it to me on my wedding day and because of Edward's confusion I get to see my ring on the finger of a beautiful strong woman I love as my own daughter, I'm so very proud of her, tell her to wear my ring because she my daughter, Edward is right that ring doesn't represent Edward's love for her now it represents my love for her as my daughter, tell Edward thank you for putting the ring on her finger for me, if Bella didn't fight so hard for Edward this wouldn't be possible, God made Bella special like you girls, Bella could have picked Jacob and had a great life with him a easy life but she loved your father more then any human could love anyone she picked the hard road, Bella could have took the easy way and went along with your father and destroyed you, if she had Annie would have died too but she fought for you all 3 of you, Bella so full of love and fight my son is lucky to have her" Grandma Masen said with a tears rolling down her cheek.

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