Sequel | Part 3

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"Hajime, open the door please..." His mother called out from the kitchen and he groaned as he put the manga he was reading aside and removed himself from the kotatsu. He didn't know who would be coming this early on a Sunday. He had volleyball practice the entire day yesterday and all he wanted to do was relax.

The doorbell rang for the third time and he frowned, scratching his head in annoyance as he slid the door open, "Haaai... Ohayouu..." His voice was laced with disdain but he stopped when he saw Oikawa’s face ugly crying face.

He frowned when the boy leapt into his arms and whined his name, "Iwa-chaaaan!" His mother who was curious came out from the kitchen and saw the boy. "Tooru?" She said, "W-What's happening?"

Oikawa extracted himself from Iwaizui and gave his mother a polite bow, "Ohayou, obasan. I'm sorry for the intrusion this early... I just... I just..." The unshed tears threatening to fall began falling now and Iwaizumi felt a tug in his heart which he didn’t know where it originated. His mother walked towards them and led Oikawa inside, "Here, don't cry. Hajime, go get some water to calm him down."

Iwaizumi snapped back to his senses and turned to his mother before nodding and running inside the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. His mother led Oikawa inside and had already seated him in the kotatsu by the time he came back.

He put the glass of water in front of Oikawa who appeared too small and too fragile now. They've been friends for all their lives now and he had never seen Oikawa this upset, not even during the time they fought because of Kageyama. The worst part is he doesn't know why.

"Oi, speak up." He said, getting more and more impatient. Oikawa turned to him with glazed eyes and he hated how those tears made him feel. He wanted to scratch his own eyes out just so he won't see Oikawa crying.

Oikawa raised his eyes to meet his before he stuttered, "I-I... I'm going to be an uncle."

Both he and his mother gaped at him… at least until he broke out laughing. His mother threw him a sharp glare to shut him up and he did, but he couldn't help a few more snickers to pass his lips.

"You're upset about this,Tooru-kun?" His mother asked gently. He knew that the boy’s older sister got married late last year so starting a family was inevitable. Still, he didn’t expect for it to warrant such a reaction from him. Maybe, he’d grown up too soon.

Oikawa shook his head in defiance, "No. I'm not... I'm just..." He paused as if trying to consider his words, "Scared... I'm just scared I won't be a good uncle."

Iwaizumi needed to bite the inside of his cheek to suppress another string of laughter. Oikawa was still looking down at his hands and not meeting his eyes.

His hands were clenched into tiny little fists and placed on top of his bent knees. Tears were still streaming down his face and Hajime wondered how this crybaby could even be a good uncle to someone. It sounds ridiculous, even to him... but, he also knows the boy has a kind and caring heart.

He moved so he could flick his finger on the boy's forehead who wailed in pain, placing a hand on the spot he hit. “You'll be alright, don't worry."


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