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Ella stood in the kitchen and glared as she saw Sam. She knew that she didn't even want to be on the same house as her right now. Never mind look at her, she hated Sam and she didn't care if she was her mother. She had set Freddie up to take her away from her

"this is childish how Ella talk to me" Sam said as Ella turned to face her

"okay how about drop dead" Ella sake as she went to walk off

"I was protecting you" Sam said as Ella looked to her and frowned

"protecting me? Oh Please I don't need protecting from Freddie it's you. You have done this with leela, Leigh and now me. You do nothing but interfere I am old enough to have a relationship but you have done it again" Ella said

"he was no good for you" Sam said as Ella felt her blood boil

"he was, he loved me and he treated me right and he never forced me to do anything and you set him up and send him away. You ruin my life" Ella spat as Sam looked to her

"I am your mother, I was protecting you" Sam said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes

"no, you weren't" Ella said as she walked off
Ella got to  the prison and smiled as she sat down with Freddie, he looked to her and smiled

"how are you" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay, I was going to ask you the same thing. You shouldn't be in here fred, you didn't do anything it's all down to my mother, she is trying to keep us apart" Ella said as Freddie smiled

"I know but that won't happen" he said as she nodded

"I know it won't, I know it's a mess but we will get you out somehow baby, we will not let this come between us" Ella said. She knew that she was scared and how she didn't know what to think over things

"I know that your scared but it will be okay I can handle myself in here we just have to be ready for when I get out as we are going to be together and we are going to be happy" Freddie said as he placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"I miss you" Ella said as he smiled "I miss you too babe but you are what is getting me through this. All of this" he said as Ella looked to him and smiled.

She knew that the odds seemed to be against them but she wasn't giving up on their relationship

Ella sat in the house and looked as Leigh walked in and looked to her and smiled

"I wanted to see how you are I know things are a mess but I am here and we will find a way to get Freddie out we know that he didn't do this" Leigh said as Ella looked to her and smiled.

Ella knew that things were a mess and she was scared over losing Freddie but he was the must important person to her but could Ella really find a way to get him out of jail?

Little Lomax; Wild child (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now