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Ella sat in her room and looked to see Leigh as she walked in. Leigh looked to her sister and frowned. Leigh knew that Ella hadn't been herself lately and she was worried

"hey are you okay" Leigh asked as Ella smiled

"I'm fine. I am just missing Freddie that's all, things are the same without him and without seeing Him" Ella said as Leigh smiled

"I get that, it's okay though. You are allowed to be upset I mean you have been through a lot and mum set him up too" Leigh said as Ella smiled

"it's all she does Leigh try and control everything snd everyone and it's not fair, Freddie is a good person I mean he's done some bad things but he is a good person and I love him and I want to be with him, I need him and just because he's not a choir boy and older she has to interfere I hate her" Ella said as Leigh smiled

"she did the same with me and warren but we will get him out, I know that you are scared but it will be okay and you will make it work" Leigh said as Ella smiled

Leigh could tell that her sister was off and it worried her
Ella walked into the house and groaned as she saw sam "I thought that you were at work" Ella said as Sam smiled

"no I thought we could talk" she said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I'd rather make out with dirk savage then talk to you" Ella said as sam sighed

"I know what I did and I get that you are mad but this is for the best I was protecting you and soon you will realise that" sam said as Ella turned to her and glared

"understand what? That you are a complete and Utter cow. You have done this three times, Leela, Leigh and now me when are you going to stop interfering we are old enough to know what we want" Ella said as sam sighed

"I am sorry but I am your mother and I gave birth to you and raised you it is my job to protect you and that means from Freddie roscoe" sam said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you do not need to protect me. I love Freddie and I know everything about him it's just you, you don't understand anything that we have" Ella spat as she walked off. She didn't even want to look at her anymore

Ella got to the prison and sat down and looked to see Freddie as he sat with her and smiled

"are you okay" Freddie asked as Ella looked up at him, Freddie wasn't stupid and he knew Ella and he knew that she was off

"you need to get out of here Freddie" she said as he nodded

"I'm trying baby I swear" he said as he grabbed her hand and looked to her

"no, I mean it you have to get out of here now, Freddie I'm pregnant and I'm going to have a baby and I can't do it without you" Ella said as Freddie looked to her shocked but would he be able to get out and be there for Ella and his child?

Little Lomax; Wild child (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now