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Ella lay in bed next to Freddie and sighed as she looked to her phone and saw that Sam was calling her. She reached across and declined the call and sighed as she declined the call and sighed. She rolled over and sighed

"you will be worried over you" Freddie said as Ella looked to him and sighed

"let her be worried, it's her own fault for being a cow to me. I mean it's not bad enough that I could of died over a brain tumour and all she cares about it because I am, with you" ella said as he looked to her and sighed

"she thinks she is protecting you" Freddie said as Ella looked to Freddie and smirked as she straddled him. He ran his hands up her waist as she looked down at him and smirked

"I don't need protecting, I am a big girl and I can lookout for myself besides it's not as if your going to hurt me is it?" She asked as he looked to her and smirked

"never" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her. She smirked into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned as he rolled her over so that he was on top of her.

He pulled her close as they stripped off as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

Ella walked through the village as she saw leigh as she stood with warren. Leigh walked over to Ella and smiled "mum has been going off it"

"it serves her right, she can't tell me how I feel and she can't tell me who I can fall in love with. I love Freddie and she can't change that and how I feel" Ella said as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"I know babes, I know you love him but this isn't going to help. I know you love Freddie like I love warren but getting on mums bad side isn't going to help and you know it" Leigh said as Ella looked to her and sighed.

Ella knew that she was right but she also knew that she wouldn't let Sam come between her and Freddie apart "I guess, your right" Ella said as Leigh smiled

"you know what I am talking about" Leigh said as Ella nodded. Ella sighed as she walked off to the flat and sighed as she saw Sam who was looking at her

"don't look at me like that mum, I wanted some air after I ended it with Freddie, I don't even want to talk to you over it. I loved him but as long as you are happy it's fine" Ella said as she walked off.

She knew she was lying to Sam but she knew it was better than the truth

Ella sighed to herself as she sat in her room. She sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. Ella opened her bedroom window as she climbed out. Ella knew all that she wanted was to be with Freddie.

She climbed out of the house and walked out of the house and smirked as she saw Freddie as he stood by the car

"we can't be seen together" Ella said as he looked to her and nodded

"that's why we are getting out of here, come on" he said as he got into the car as she smirked as she joined him but little did Ella know how he was about to change her life

Little Lomax; Wild child (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now