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Leigh stormed into the hospital. Her family all turned to look at her. Warren was behind her. "Calm down babe. Ella won't want you to lose it."

"Oh I am calm."

Sam sighed. "I might have known you would turn up. Why is he here?" Sam asked as she glared at Warren. She still didn't trust him to not ruin her family. "Well?"

Leigh rolled her eyes. "He is here for me. What the hell happened? Why did my little sister take a trip down a flight of stairs. I'm not leaving until I have the answers I want," she said.

"No one knows anything yet Leigh. They're running some tests to see if there's any damage," Leela said in an attempt to calm the whole situation down. She knew her sister and she knew her mum. They clashed. "Calm down Leigh."

Leigh rolled her eyes again. She felt Warren place his hands on her waist and pull her back. "Kicking off won't do any good babe. Think of Ella and think of our little girl. They both need you."


Eventually a doctor came out. Sam stood up. "Well?"

"Mrs Lomax, I'm afraid Ella has a tumour on her brain. We're scheduling surgery for her to remove it. She's conscious."

Leigh looked at Sam. "Did you know about this?!"

"How could I ? I've only just found out."

Leigh looked at the doctor. "Can I see her? Please?"


Ella had woken up as Leigh walked in. She smiled slightly. "My head hurts," she mumbled. She saw the look on Leigh's face. "What?"

Leigh sat down and took Ella's hand. "You have a brain tumour. They're wanting to remove it. Before it gets any worse. But I have to know. What happened for you to end up falling down city steps?" She asked.

Ella knew that telling Leigh about Danny sleeping with John-Paul could possibly ruin the family but she couldn't not tell someone. "Please don't say anything. You have to promise."

"I won't."

Ella felt tears sting her eyes. "Dad has been having an affair. With Mr McQueen," she mumbled. She saw the look on Leigh'a face. "Please don't say anything Leigh. I'm begging you."

Leigh took Ella's hand. "I won't say anything babes. I promise. How did you know?" She asked.

"Peri. She planted a camera in the house and I was watching it with her. We saw it," she told her older sister.

"Okay. Get some rest. I'll send those nutters home."


Freddie heard what had happened. He needed to see Ella. To know she was okay. He saw Sam leaving the hospital and went in. He found Ella's room and walked inside. Ella smiled. "I didn't think I'd see you."

"Warren told me what happened. He told me about the tumour."

Ella smiled slightly. "They're optimistic that they can remove it. But in the worst case scenario, I love you Freddie Roscoe. You've made my life so much better."

The two of them kissed passionately. Freddie knew he was falling in love with Ella. That he saw his future with her. But would she survive the operation? What would happen when he found out Sam was making plans to take Ella away for good?

Little Lomax; Wild child (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now