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Ella sat in the bathroom as she sat throwing up and groaned. Ella hated it, she hated how rotten that she felt, she knew that she was pregnant and that she and Freddie were going to be parents but she knew that she was scared and how Freddie was the only one that she had told over the pregnant.

She knew how scared that she was and how she didn't know what she was going to do, she knew that she was still hiding her pregnancy and she knew how she wanted Freddie to get out of prison and she knew that she wanted him to be there so that they could do this together but she knew how her mother had set him up and how scared and alone that she felt,

Ella stood up and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair as she looked at her reflection and sighed, Ella knew that she wasn't going to be able to keep this pregnancy a secret forever. Ella walked out of the bathroom as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Leigh asked as Ella looked to her sister and smile

"of course why wouldn't I be"

"I thought you were throwing up, and you don't loo well" Leigh said as Ella smiled

"I'm fine I swear" Ella said as Leigh looked it her and nodded

Ella walked through the village and groaned as she saw sam and groaned, Ella knew that she felt like rubbish and she knew that the last thing that she wanted was to face her. She knew it was so hard


"what do you want" Ella asked as sam looked to her and sighed

"I want to talk to you, look I know it's hard and I know I have let you down but I am your mother still" sam said as Ella looked to her and laughed as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked to her

"mother. That's a laugh right, you have never been there for me, you have ruined my life when you took Freddie away from me"

"Freddie roscoe is where he belongs" sam said as Ella looked to her and glared

"he is a good person and I love him and just because you don't understand it and just because you have to control it all doesn't mean that you have a right to control my life, Freddie can be in their for twenty years and I will still wait for him" Ella said as she stormed off as sam sighed.

She knew she hated Freddie in her daughters life but she had no idea what Ella was keeping from her over it all

Ella got to the prison and smiled as she saw Freddie, she sat down next to him as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"how are you feeling" he asked as she smiled

"like death, literally scared. Are you okay" she asked as he nodded

"I have a meeting with my lawyer later. Hopefully I can get out of here. I know that your scared and so am I but I will fight until my last breathe to get out of here and when I do we can go, you me and the baby and we can be together as nothing is going to stop me. We can do this" Freddie said as Ella smiled

"just us" Ella said as he nodded as Ella smiled, she had no idea how it wasn't going to be that east

Little Lomax; Wild child (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now