The boy i met (High school AU) 1/3

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Genre: AU & Fluff
Status: Crushes
Word count: 2250
Warnings: Bullying & homophobic slurs
Takes place: in a High school AU
*Note. This is a high school AU but it's not a love story between a bully & victim*
Chris- Senior 18
Jimmy- Senior 17
Karl- Junior 16
Chandler- Junior 16.
Maddy- Junior 17

Chris POV

Me and Jimmy walked into school at 7:30 am. If your wondering why so early it's because that's the only way we can make it in without a million people trying to talk to us. We are really popular due to Jimmy being insanity rich and me being really smart.(and no I'm not a nerd, I've never studied a day in my life I'm just naturally smart) . Jimmy's been my best friend since second grade when I stood up for him. Since that day we've hung out and been best friends. We walked by the couple of kids there and over to his girlfriend maddy.

"Hey babe how was cheer yesterday" Jimmy said while leaning agents the other locker.

"It went amazing as always" maddy said spinning around proudly and gave Jimmy a kiss. "You two should stop by after school some time to watch".

"I got things to do" I answered.

"Come on Chris, maybe we can get you a girlfriend" Jimmy said the last part being a joke.

"Ya not happening" I said with a smile

"You could check out the football team while they practice~" maddy said jokingly and I rolled my eyes smiling while Jimmy laughed a little.

"Ya again not happening" I repeated.

"Come on man you need to get yourself a girlfriend or boyfriend" Jimmy said. "Your on both sides and still somehow single".

"I know, I know" I said crossing my arms. "I'll find someone eventually".

"Chris your not bisexual your bi yourself" maddy said sarcastically flipping her hair and striking a pose trying to look sassy... Jimmy laughed.

"I'll date eventually" I said slightly flustered while pretending to be offended. Then we both joined Jimmy with laughing.

Karl POV

I walked into school around 8:15am and saw the crowded hallways. I put my hood up and went to find Chandler. He's my best friend and he's one of the few I have. My other friends are Nick (sapnap), Alex (Quackity), Clay (Dream) and George. While walking the halls I heard a few rude names being yelled at me and got shoved against a few lockers. When I got to my locker I saw someone spray painted "FAG" on it and when I opened it a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and read, "You are going to hell you fucking sinner". I dropped it on the floor and looked down. I felt upset but this has happened for so long it was nothing new. I don't know how but someone had found out I was pan and announced it to the whole school so now everyone assumes I'm gay and a few hate me for it. After getting my textbook and standing up to grab my notebook I felt someone hit my locker door and causing me to stumble and fall sideways landing on my butt and having my textbook shoot across the hall.

"REALLY JIMMY" I heard the voice who bumped into me yell. "YOU JUST MADE ME KNOCK A RANDOM KID OVER." I then realized who it was. Even though I had never talked to them it was Jimmy and Chris. There really, Really popular in school. Everyone knows them from the freshmen to the damn teachers.

"SORRY CHRIS" I heard Jimmy yell while laughing. "I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D LOOSE YOUR BALANCE".  Chris snorted and rolled his eyes turning and facing me.

"Here need a hand" He said offering his hand out to help me up. I took it and stood up (nearly falling over by the way).

"Th-thanks" I said awkwardly putting my hands into my hoodie pocket and looked down. Chris seemed to be staring at me for quite a bit. Eventually I looked up after a few moments and definitely knew everyone in the hallway was looking at us.

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