Stuck together

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Genre: Fluff
Word count:1637
Status: Secretly dating (beast crew knows fans don't)
Warnings: none
Takes place: During "last to leave insane asylum wins $20,000". Made up video and inspired by "I stayed in an insane asylum for 24 hours".
(Challenge started at 11am)
"Last to leave this room wins $20,000". Jimmy said to the camera. He had Chris, Karl, Chandler and Nolan competing.  "Now in this one there will be no straight jackets and there's a twist". Jimmy then announced to the camera. "One member from the red team will be locked in a room with a member from the blue team and same with the other two, there goal is to annoy the other one to get them out, once one member leaves the other team wins". Jimmy then looked at the boys. "To decide teams you will draw a price of paper out of this hat". All four drawed a paper out of the hat.
Chris & Chandler-💙
Karl & Nolan- ❤️

"Great the annoying two are on a team together" Chris joked.

"Just gives us a better chance at winning" Karl said proudly.

"Now Chandler, I have a number behind my back that is 1 or 2, if you guess correctly your with Nolan, if you guess incorrectly your with Karl." Jimmy said having his hand behind his back. Tareq showed the camera the number as Chandler thought.

"I want to get this right" Chandler said while thinking.

"Hey what's wrong with me" Karl asked pretending to be offended. Chris and Nolan laughed.

"I doubt you'd drive Chris crazy enough to quit, Nolan would". Chandler said.

"Hey" Nolan shouted as Chandler thought. "I hope you get it wrong".

"Two" he said. Jimmy took his hand out from behind him and held up the number two. "Chandler and Nolan in the left room, Chris and Karl in the right room".

"Make sure to drive Chandler crazy". Karl yelled to Nolan while walking to the right room.

"Good luck Chan Chan, you'll need it" Chris yelled.

"Thanks" Chandler yelled at the same time Nolan yelled. "I definitely will". Chris and Karl were now locked in the room and Chandler and Nolan were locked in the other.

Chris POV

"How much time do you give Chandler" Karl asked sitting on the floor. We were in a 10 foot by 10 foot plain white room with a bucket in the corner.

"At most a day" I said sitting next to my boyfriend. "Nolan can be very annoying if he wants to be and Chandler is easily annoyed.". Karl rested his head on my shoulder.

"That's an easy win for me then, I get to hang out with you for a few hours and get 10 grand." Karl said.

"Wow you got no hope I'm Chandler, do you" I said.

"When he's getting annoyed by Nolan then no". Karl said. "You know this challenge is kind of unfair on them".

"Why" I asked. Karl moved so his head was laying in my lap and the rest of him was on the floor. I started playing with his hair.

"Because we're dating so we're obviously not gonna try and get each other out and we're fine being stuck together for days". He said. "So there pretty much competing against each other and we're just, here".

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