I want karl

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Genre: Fluff
Word count:2084
Status: Strangers/ crushes
Takes place: When they first met (November 2019)
Before reading this thanks to xox_emo_boy_xox for the idea.

Chris POV

"Hey Chris can I ask you something" Jimmy said walking over to me while I was talking to Chandler. We were setting up the set for at newest video. (Last to stop swinging wins $1,000,000. Which we were recording around five.

"Yea, what's up" I asked turning to face Jimmy.

"One of CJs friends are helping us film the video, could you show him around when he gets here". Jimmy said. "His names Karl".

"Sure when does he get here" I asked.

"He should be here around 3, he's editing something for CJ right now" Jimmy said.

"Then yea, that should be good" I say and Jimmy nods.

"Thanks man"

"No problem"

Karl POV (3:15pm)

So this is the place. I think while walking to the door. I open the door and look around, it's huge. I stand there for a moment just looking. I have to find someone named Chris who's supposed to show me around. I walk in and ask the nearest person.

"Hey do you know where Chris is" I ask.

"He's in the bathroom" the guy says and asks. "Your Karl right".

"Yea and you are"

"I'm Chandler" he says. "Ill take you to Chris".

"Ok" I say walking with him. I keep looking around at everything and everyone there. "Is all
of this for the swings video."

"Yea" he says "it looks like a lot right".

"It is a lot" I say sounding surprised. "You guys do all of this just for YouTube".

"When your getting between 30M and 70M views then yea" Chandler said. He laughed slightly seeing the shocked look on my face.

"I didn't know mr.beast was THAT big" I said. Surprised. I knew he was popular but damn.

"I'm surprised CJ didn't tell you that" Chandler said. Soon we stopped at a door that I'm assuming is the bathroom. Chandler knocked on it.

"Yes" the person from inside called.

"Hey Chris, Karl's here" Chandler said. "So hurry up and finish shitting".

"Shut up" Chris yelled. "I'll be out in a minute". Chandlers phone binged.

"Hey Karl, you ok waiting here for Chris to be done, Jimmy needs me to help him".

"Yea I should be" I said. "Thanks for the help by the way".

"No problem man" Chandler said waving as he left. I stood there on my phone for a bit until Chris came out.

"Sorry about that" Chris said closing the door behind him. "Let me show you around now". We started walking.

"How big is this place" I asked.

"It's pretty huge" Chris said. "It's been rented for the last to stop video." I keep looking around in awe. "You look like a baby puppy that's just seen the outside world" he says with a small laugh. I feel myself blush.

"I do not" I defend but he doesn't seem to believe me.

"Do to" he says still laughing "the way your looking at this place it's like you've never seen the world before". I glare at him. "I'm gonna start singing a whole new world"

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