A day I'll never forget

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Genre: Fluff
Word count:1213
Status: Crushes
Warnings: pain
Takes place: in "I bought a private island". Video
Before reading this thanks to SirSingsAlot    for the idea.

Karl POV (Btw only Karl, Chris, and Tyler are still in the water and night swimming lasted longer).

"What was that" I asked worried feeling something hit my leg.

"I don't know, probably be a fish" Tyler said shrugging it off.

"I don't think it's a fish" I answered back still concerned.

"You'll be ok" Chris told me and then said calmer. "If your worried about it you can get out or we can just swim somewhere else". After he said that I felt a serious pain in my arm.

"OWW" I quickly yelled grabbing my arm.

"Karl are you ok" Chris quickly asked.

"What was that" Tyler said loudly.

"Whats happened" Jimmy yelled not knowing what happened.
Chandler yelled at the same time "Karl are you ok". Chris quickly came over to me and saw my arm. His eyes widened when he saw it.

"Theirs a huge fucking jellyfish sting on his arm" Chris shouted to everyone then said quietly to me. "Come on let's get you out of the water". All I could do was nod my head because it hurt like hell. Chris helped me out of the water and onto the island.

Jimmy rushing over and looked at my arm. I was tensed up and crying from the pain. "He took off to get the medic" he said looking at Chris.

"Ok thanks" Chris said. He then put his hand on my shoulder (not stung arm). "Just hold on ok". I nodded my head a bit but was in serious pain. It burned like hell. Chandler and the medic got back and he took a look at my arm.

"That jellyfish got you good didn't he" the medic said seeing my arm. He then rinsed the sting with salt water and I winced. "This'll hurt a bit ok". I nodded as he continued. Chris held my hand and o know I'm not that strong but I'm pretty sure I broke his hand with how hard I squeezed it. The medic then removed the tentacles, removed the stingers, poured vinegar on it, rinsed it with regular water, applied some type of lotion to it, and wrapped it up. It took him a good few minutes and all the while hurt like hell. "Here take these, they'll help with the pain".

"Thanks" I said quietly still
In pain taking the medicine from him and swallowing it.

"Will he be ok" Jimmy asked.

"He should be, but he should probably head home" the medic said and looked at me. "If you feel nauseous, stomach pains, have trouble breathing or anything similar go to the ER and clean the sting three times a day and the pain should go away after an hour or two ". I nodded.

"So are we all heading back or just Karl" Chandler asked now that everything had calmed down. Jimmy shrugged and asked the captain "will you be back in time."

"I should be, if no an hour or two late" he said. Everyone seemed fine with that so they'd stay here and I'd go home.

"If your doing that it would be smart for at least one one other person to head back with Karl" the medic said.

"Ok so Karl and Chris are leaving" Tyler said without any questions or thought. No one questioned either.

"Why am I immediately assumed to be the one to go". Chris asked jokingly.

"Because it's Karl". Jimmy said and then said sarcastically gesturing slightly to the fact we were still holding hands. "also because we all know you love Karl ". (Reference)

"I hate you" Chris said letting my hand go. I'm glad it's dark because I went bright red after Jimmy said that. I know it's a joke but still someone saying your crush loves you and then them not denying it makes your heart skip a beat. Chris grabbed my hand again. "Have fun sleeping in the dirt and said".

"Have fun being on a boat at night" Jimmy quickly called back. Me and Chris then got on the boat and a little bit later we were sailing. (We were sitting on the floor looking at the sea and stars.)

"How are you feeling" Chris asked me.

"Better but the sting still hurts" I said closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder. He was sill holding my hand. I blushed.

"You become a big baby when your hurt" He said laying his head on mine.

"You become over protective when im hurt" I said. "Since I've gotten stung you've been at most, a foot away from me".

"Would you rather me ignore you" Chris asked with a smile.

"You'd die before you could do that" I said.

"Ok next time your hurt I'll completely ignore you" he said sarcastically lifting his head up. I picked my head up to.

"Nooo don't do that" I said without thinking.

"So you like me being protective then" Chris asked me flirtingly being only a couple inches away from my face. I went bright red caught off guard. After a moment I calmed down

"Yea, I think it's hot " I said and he sat up straight now blushing to. "Don't like my honesty" I asked.

"I did not expect that out of you" Chris said honestly. I smiled at him and held his hand again. Then I decided to ask him...

"Hey Chris"


"What do the guys mean when they say that you "love me"" I asked. "They say it a lot". Chris went bright red.

"Well, uh" he sighed. "It's because I love you the most". I smiled and blushed.

"Like what kinda love" I asked. "Platonic like friends or romantic like dating". Chris went even redder.

"Why are you asking"'he asked.

"I don't really know" I said. "I just, wanna know".

Chris sighed. "Guess I can't hide it forever" he said more to himself. He then looked at me. "I love you romantically, and I have for a while". He looked down and I felt my heart skip a beat. "I didn't say anything because I was scared you wouldn't like me and the boys joke about it because they've noticed how I am with you".

"So you'd want to date" I asked surprised. "Like be boyfriends".

"Basically, yes" Chris said looking at me.  I smiled, moved and kissed him. We kissed and eventually parted.

"Then I guess I'm your boyfriend". I said happily while being the color of a tomato. Chris was also blushing.

"You are full of surprises today" Chris said as I moved back to where I was. I layed my head on his shoulder. "Did the jellyfish shoot some venom into your brain or something" he joked.

"I had to balance good and bad somehow" I said jokingly and closed my eyes. "I love you Chris"

"I love you to Karl" Chris said laying his head on mine again. We stayed like that and eventually fell asleep. I never thought I'd say this ,especially after today, but thank you god I got stung by a jellyfish.

...This day will definitely be a day I'll never forget....

Sorry this took forever to write but I didn't know what to write. Luckily.  SirSingsAlot   gave me this idea so Seriously THANK YOU I had completely run out of ideas and I missed just zoning out and writing. I wrote this entire one shot in an hour and a half without stopping and this is probably my favorite one. If you guys have any ideas then don't be afraid to suggest them because they help me a lot. Sometimes I completely forget about some of the mr beast videos that could have a cute oneshot written within them. Also I hope y'all liked the different love confession. Most of the time I make Chris the one to make the first live so I liked the idea of Karl doing it this time. As you can tell I had way to much fun writing this. Also one last thing, it would be amazing if you could check out my channel Furtle more. Sorry about the self promotion but I have the most amount of people on this and my channels been stuck at 20 subs for months. You are legally required by law to have a good day/night 💚

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